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Avinash Chodavarapu
Avinash Chodavarapu

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What is Go Language and Why Go Language?

Go, also known as Golang, is an open-source, compiled, and statically typed programming language designed by Google . It is built to be simple, high-performing, readable, and efficient. In this blog post, I will explain what Go language is, how it works, and why you should learn it.

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What is Go Language?

Go language was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google to address some of the challenges they faced with existing programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, etc.

Some of these challenges include:

  • Slow compilation time
  • Complex syntax and features
  • Lack of concurrency support
  • Dependency management issues
  • Memory management overhead

Go language aims to solve these problems by providing a small and simple syntax that compiles fast, a rich standard library that covers most common tasks, a built-in support for concurrency using goroutines and channels, a module system that simplifies dependency management, and automatic garbage collection that frees memory without manual intervention.

Go language is influenced by C programming language but has some notable differences such as:

  • No semicolons at the end of statements
  • No parentheses around if and for conditions
  • No classes or inheritance but interfaces and structs
  • No generics or exceptions but errors and defer
  • No pointer arithmetic but slices and maps

Why Go Language?

Go language has many advantages that make it suitable for various types of applications such as web development, cloud computing, network programming, data science, etc. Some of these advantages are:

  • Fast: Go language compiles quickly into native code that runs directly on the hardware without any intermediate layer. This makes it faster than interpreted languages like Python or Ruby. Go language also has a low memory footprint and minimal runtime overhead compared to other languages.
  • Simple: Go language has a clear and concise syntax that is easy to read and write. It avoids unnecessary features that can cause confusion or bugs. It also has a consistent formatting style enforced by a tool called gofmt.
  • Concurrent: Go language supports concurrency as a first-class feature using goroutines and channels. Goroutines are lightweight threads that can run thousands of concurrent tasks without blocking each other. Channels are pipes that can communicate data between goroutines safely and efficiently.
  • Scalable: Go language can scale well on multicore processors and distributed systems because of its concurrency model. It also has a built-in testing and benchmarking framework that helps developers write reliable and performant code.
  • Portable: Go language can run on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS etc., without any changes in the source code. It also has cross-compilation support that allows developers to compile code for different architectures from a single machine.


Go language is a modern programming language that offers simplicity, performance, concurrency,
scalability, and portability. It is suitable for developing various types of applications ranging from web servers to machine learning models.


If you want to learn more about Go language, you can visit its official website where you can find tutorials, documentation, examples, and more resources.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you.

Thank you for reading!

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