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Simple task list application

Certainly, let's consider a real-time example using JavaScript ES6 that involves fetching data from a public API, manipulating the DOM, handling events, and incorporating a breakpoint for debugging purposes. In this example, we'll use the JSONPlaceholder API and create a simple task list application.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Task List App</title>

    <ul id="taskList">
        <!-- Task items will be dynamically added here -->

    <button id="addTaskButton">Add Task</button>

        // Fetching data from JSONPlaceholder API
        async function fetchTasks() {
            const response = await fetch('');
            const tasks = await response.json();
            return tasks;

        // Adding tasks to the DOM
        function displayTasks(tasks) {
            const taskList = document.getElementById('taskList');

            // Set a breakpoint for debugging
            // debugger;

            tasks.forEach(task => {
                const taskItem = document.createElement('li');
                taskItem.textContent = task.title;

        // Event listener for loading tasks
        window.addEventListener('load', async () => {
            const tasks = await fetchTasks();

        // Event listener for adding a new task
        document.getElementById('addTaskButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
            const newTaskTitle = prompt('Enter task title:');
            const taskList = document.getElementById('taskList');

            // Set a breakpoint for debugging
            // debugger;

            const newTaskItem = document.createElement('li');
            newTaskItem.textContent = newTaskTitle;


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The provided code snippet appears to be a part of a web application that fetches tasks from the JSONPlaceholder API and displays them on the DOM. Let's discuss the entry point and the step-by-step execution of the code:

  1. Entry Point:
    The entry point of the code is the window's load event, which triggers the async arrow function:

    window.addEventListener('load', async () => {
        const tasks = await fetchTasks();

Here, the load event is used to ensure that the code executes only after the entire page has finished loading. The function fetches tasks using the fetchTasks function and then displays them by calling the displayTasks function.

  1. Fetching Data:
    The fetchTasks function is an asynchronous function that fetches tasks from the JSONPlaceholder API using the fetch function. It returns a Promise that resolves to the parsed JSON data.

  2. Displaying Tasks:
    The displayTasks function is responsible for adding tasks to the DOM. It takes an array of tasks as its parameter and appends them as list items (li) to an unordered list (ul) with the id 'taskList'.

  3. Debugging:
    The code contains two breakpoints for debugging purposes. Breakpoints are set using the debugger statement. This allows developers to inspect the state of the application at that point during runtime using browser developer tools.

  4. Adding New Task:
    There is also an event listener for a button click with the id 'addTaskButton'. When the button is clicked, a prompt is displayed to enter a new task title. The entered title is then added to the DOM in a similar manner to the fetched tasks.

In summary, the entry point is the 'load' event, and the code fetches tasks from an API and displays them on the web page. Additionally, it allows users to add new tasks through a button click. Debugging breakpoints are included to aid in the development process.

The provided code is a JavaScript script that fetches data from the JSONPlaceholder API, displays the retrieved tasks on the DOM, and allows users to add new tasks through a prompt. Here is a breakdown and analysis of the code:

  1. fetchTasks Function:

    • Purpose: Retrieves tasks from the JSONPlaceholder API.
    • Usage: Utilizes the Fetch API to make an asynchronous request to ''.
    • Returns: The parsed JSON response containing the tasks.
  2. displayTasks Function:

    • Purpose: Renders tasks on the DOM.
    • Usage: Iterates over the provided tasks, creates a list item for each task, and appends it to the 'taskList' element.
    • Breakpoint: A debugger statement is included for debugging purposes.
  3. Event Listener for Window Load:

    • Purpose: Listens for the 'load' event on the window and initiates the process of fetching and displaying tasks.
    • Usage: Calls fetchTasks to get tasks and displayTasks to render them on the DOM.
  4. Event Listener for Adding a New Task:

    • Purpose: Listens for the 'click' event on the element with the id 'addTaskButton' and prompts the user to enter a new task title.
    • Usage: Creates a new list item with the entered task title and appends it to the 'taskList' element.
    • Breakpoint: A debugger statement is included for debugging purposes.


  1. Debugging: The use of debugger statements indicates the intention to debug the code. Ensure these breakpoints are used effectively during development and removed in the production code.

  2. Error Handling: Consider implementing error handling, particularly around the API request in the fetchTasks function. This will enhance the robustness of the application, providing a better user experience.

  3. Code Structure: The code structure is clear and concise. Ensure consistent coding conventions and consider organizing the functions and event listeners based on their functionalities for improved readability.

  4. Comments: While the code is relatively clear, consider adding comments to explain complex logic or provide additional context, especially if this code is part of a larger project.

By addressing these recommendations, the code will maintain clarity, reliability, and readability, essential for both development and maintenance.

In this example:

  1. The fetchTasks function uses the Fetch API to retrieve task data from the JSONPlaceholder API.
  2. The displayTasks function adds the fetched tasks to the DOM, setting a breakpoint for debugging.
  3. On page load, tasks are fetched and displayed.
  4. The user can add a new task by clicking a button, and a breakpoint is set for debugging this functionality.

This example combines data fetching, DOM manipulation, event handling, and breakpoints for effective debugging in a real-world scenario.

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