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Docker 2 diff version like node.js, multer / next.js commonjs

To manage two Node.js applications with different versions (Node.js 16 and Node.js 18) using Docker, you can create separate Dockerfiles for each application. Additionally, you may want to use Docker Compose to manage both containers and their interactions.

Here's a simple example:

  1. Create Dockerfiles:


   # Use Node.js 16 base image
   FROM node:16

   # Set working directory
   WORKDIR /app

   # Copy package.json and package-lock.json
   COPY package*.json ./

   # Install dependencies
   RUN npm install

   # Copy application code
   COPY . .

   # Expose the port
   EXPOSE 3000

   # Command to run the application
   CMD ["npm", "start"]
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   # Use Node.js 18 base image
   FROM node:18

   # Set working directory
   WORKDIR /app

   # Copy package.json and package-lock.json
   COPY package*.json ./

   # Install dependencies
   RUN npm install

   # Copy application code
   COPY . .

   # Expose the port
   EXPOSE 3000

   # Command to run the application
   CMD ["npm", "start"]
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  1. Create docker-compose.yml:
   version: '3'

         context: .
         dockerfile: Dockerfile.node16
         - "3000:3000"
         - my-network

         context: .
         dockerfile: Dockerfile.node18
         - "3001:3000"
         - my-network

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  1. Folder structure:
   ├── app-node16
   |   ├── Dockerfile.node16
   |   ├── package.json
   |   ├── package-lock.json
   |   └── ... (other app files)
   ├── app-node18
   |   ├── Dockerfile.node18
   |   ├── package.json
   |   ├── package-lock.json
   |   └── ... (other app files)
   ├── docker-compose.yml
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  1. Run with Docker Compose:

Open a terminal, navigate to the project root, and run:

   docker-compose up
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This example assumes that your applications are set up with a package.json file containing the necessary dependencies and scripts.

Adjust the Dockerfiles and application structure based on your specific requirements. The Docker Compose file defines two services, each running a different version of Node.js and exposing different ports.

To manage two Node.js applications with different module systems (CommonJS and ECMAScript Modules) using Docker, you can create separate Dockerfiles for each application. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Project Structure:

Assuming you have the following project structure:

|-- app-commonjs/
|   |-- package.json
|   |-- index.js
|-- app-esm/
|   |-- package.json
|   |-- index.mjs
|-- docker-commonjs/
|   |-- Dockerfile
|-- docker-esm/
|   |-- Dockerfile
|-- docker-compose.yml
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# Use Node.js 18 image
FROM node:18

# Set working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Copy only the necessary files for the CommonJS app
COPY ../app-commonjs/package.json .
COPY ../app-commonjs/index.js .

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Expose the port your app will run on

# Command to run the application
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
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# Use Node.js 18 image
FROM node:18

# Set working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Copy only the necessary files for the ESM app
COPY ../app-esm/package.json .
COPY ../app-esm/index.mjs .

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Expose the port your app will run on

# Command to run the application
CMD ["node", "--experimental-specifier-resolution=node", "--loader ts-node/esm", "index.mjs"]
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Docker Compose:


version: '3'

      context: .
      dockerfile: docker-commonjs/Dockerfile
      - "3000:3000"

      context: .
      dockerfile: docker-esm/Dockerfile
      - "3001:3001"
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  • Each application has its own Dockerfile specifying the appropriate module system (commonjs or module).
  • The docker-compose.yml file defines two services, one for each application, and maps their ports to the host machine.
  • When you run docker-compose up, it will build and run both containers simultaneously.

Running the Applications:

  1. Make sure Docker is installed and running on your machine.
  2. Navigate to the project root in the terminal.
  3. Run the following command to build and start the containers:
docker-compose up
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Now, you should have both applications running in separate Docker containers, each accessible on its specified port (e.g., http://localhost:3000 for the CommonJS app and http://localhost:3001 for the ESM app).

To manage two Node.js applications with different module systems (CommonJS and NestJS) using Docker, you can create separate Dockerfiles for each application and use Docker Compose to manage the overall configuration. Here's a basic example:

  1. Project Structure:
   ├── docker
   │   ├── commonjs-app
   │   │   ├── Dockerfile
   │   │   └── src
   │   │       └── index.js
   │   ├── nestjs-app
   │   │   ├── Dockerfile
   │   │   └── src
   │   │       └── main.ts
   │   └── docker-compose.yml
   ├── commonjs-app
   │   └── package.json
   └── nestjs-app
       ├── package.json
       ├── nest-cli.json
       └── tsconfig.json
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  1. Dockerfiles:


   FROM node:18

   WORKDIR /app

   COPY ./commonjs-app/src /app

   CMD ["node", "index.js"]
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   FROM node:18

   WORKDIR /app

   COPY ./nestjs-app/src /app

   RUN npm install

   CMD ["node", "main.js"]
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  1. Docker Compose: docker/docker-compose.yml:
   version: "3"
         context: .
         dockerfile: ./docker/commonjs-app/Dockerfile
       container_name: commonjs-app-container

         context: .
         dockerfile: ./docker/nestjs-app/Dockerfile
       container_name: nestjs-app-container
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  1. Build and Run:

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory containing the docker folder.
    • Run the following command to build and start the containers:
     docker-compose up --build

This example assumes that your CommonJS app's entry point is index.js, and your NestJS app's entry point is main.ts. Adjust the file paths and names based on your actual project structure.

Remember to customize the Dockerfiles and Docker Compose configuration based on your specific requirements, such as exposing ports, linking containers, or using environment variables.

When you have multiple Node.js applications with different dependencies, you can use Docker to containerize each application separately, ensuring that each one has its own isolated environment. Here's a basic guide on how to manage two Node.js applications with different versions of the multer package using Docker:

  1. Project Structure:

Let's assume you have the following project structure:

   ├── app1/
   │   ├── Dockerfile
   │   ├── package.json
   │   ├── app.js
   │   └── ...
   ├── app2/
   │   ├── Dockerfile
   │   ├── package.json
   │   ├── app.js
   │   └── ...
   └── ...
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  1. Dockerfiles:

Create Dockerfiles for each application to define their respective environments.

Dockerfile for app1:

   # app1/Dockerfile
   FROM node:18

   WORKDIR /app

   COPY app1/package.json .
   RUN npm install

   COPY app1 .

   CMD ["node", "app.js"]
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Dockerfile for app2:

   # app2/Dockerfile
   FROM node:18

   WORKDIR /app

   COPY app2/package.json .
   RUN npm install

   COPY app2 .

   CMD ["node", "app.js"]
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  1. Application Code:

Make sure that the package.json in each application folder specifies the correct version of multer:

For app1 (multer version 4):

   // app1/package.json
     "dependencies": {
       "multer": "^4.0.0"
       // other dependencies...
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For app2 (multer version 3):

   // app2/package.json
     "dependencies": {
       "multer": "^3.0.0"
       // other dependencies...
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  1. Building and Running:

Build and run each Docker image separately:

   # Build and run app1
   cd project/app1
   docker build -t app1 .
   docker run -p 3001:3001 app1
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   # Build and run app2
   cd project/app2
   docker build -t app2 .
   docker run -p 3002:3002 app2
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Adjust port mappings and other configurations as needed for your applications.

This setup ensures that each Node.js application runs in its own Docker container with the specified version of the multer package. Docker isolates the environments, preventing conflicts between different versions of dependencies used by each application.

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