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Nishita Avalani
Nishita Avalani

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Migrating To Vue 3-An Overview Of Updated Technology

Technology, the IT industry, and its technical requirements all advance throughout time. Even if a piece of the tech stack has been upgraded, it is still necessary to maintain the updated project. The cause of this is that when technology advances, it updates its libraries and dependencies, gets rid of unnecessary code, and introduces new capabilities that improve workflow and development.

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A relatively newer, more advanced technique is vue 3. But should you switch over all of your Vue 2 applications right away to Vue 3? It depends, really. The answer is probably "not yet" for many of you, and "yes" for others. Nothing revolutionary is introduced by Vue 3 But some features might be sufficiently attractive to upgrade in it.

VueJs 3 was created from scratch and offers numerous new features for creating complex corporate software, along with even greater performance, improved tree-shaking, reduced size, and improved TypeScript compatibility.

Initially at the time of development, the purpose of Vue 3 was to create a minimalistic alternative to AngularJS 1. At intital time, Angular was a bulky framework, with a ton of new features. Vue.js initial versions were similar to angular framework with Templating, Data Binding, Filters and Directives. In designing Vue 3, performances were in focus. Rather than being a revolution, it turned out to be an evolution. Performance-related factors have driven the majority of newly released features and breaking modifications.

Let's go over Vue 3's four key features so you can decide for yourself after going through the facts.

  • Composition API

  • SFC Composition API Syntax Sugar (< script setup >)

  • Fragments

  • Teleport

  • Emits Component Option

  • SFC State-driven CSS Variables

Some of the major changes that will take place when you migrate from Vue 2 to Vue 3 are:

  • Global API

  • Template Directives

  • Working of the Components

  • Render Function

  • Custom Elements

  • Other Minor Changes (that might affect your project)

  • Removed APIs

How to Migrate from Vue 2 to Vue 3?

Here is the basic process that’s need to be followed to migrate from Vue2 to Vue3:

  • First, we confirm that the most recent version of our @vue/cli-service is in place.

  • The command to update our vue-cli is vue upgrade.

  • Change the "package.json" file now. Vue 2 and the vue-template-compiler need to be uninstalled here. For VueJS, they are not required.

  • Install vue3, @vue/compat, and compiler @vue/compiler-sfc by using the npm install command.

No matter how complicated your Vue application is, you will still need to prepare for a migration to a new major release by reading the release notes and reviewing all the breaking changes to ensure that you are aware of what will break.
The migration should be planned more carefully the more complicated the application is. An enterprise-level or large-scale project will undoubtedly require a significant amount of time, management, and effort to migrate. You can always divide the module, though, and make plans accordingly.
The transition from Vue 2 to Vue 3 is crucial but not difficult. There are some excellent and noteworthy performance enhancements in this latest Vue version.

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