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Cover image for Understanding Go: part 10 – Struct
Aurélie Vache
Aurélie Vache

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Understanding Go: part 10 – Struct

Even if you can create your first application in Go in a few minutes, understanding a new programming language is not easy and can be time-consuming.

After writing the blog series Learning Go by examples, let's discover all the concepts of Go in a visual way, in sketchnotes.

In this blog post of sketchnotes about Go, we will discover another useful concept: Struct.

Go struct
Go struct
Go struct
Go struct

This is the eighth blog post of this serie so if you liked it, you can follow me, and tell me what do you think ❤️. If people are interested, I will publish others sketches shortly :-).

Moreover, if you are interested about this way to explain visually technologies, I published an entire illustrated book about Kubernetes, available in paperback on Amazon and in digital version on GumRoad: "Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way".
And an illustrated book about Docker, available in paperback on Amazon and in digital version on GumRoad: "Understanding Docker in a visual way".

Top comments (7)

happytodev profile image

Hello Aurélie, I hope there will be another issues in this series. I like it very much ;-)

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

Hi, yes the next sketchnotes are coming ;)

happytodev profile image

Great !!

cole_denesik_77a750bcb3ac profile image
cole denesik

Hi Aurelie,
Could you please add Generics , Contexts and Error and few packages like Bufio,IO, HTTP,JSON in this series. I purchased your book on Docker and Kubernetes both are just WoW.

taijidude profile image
taijidude • Edited

Love it. Didn't knew about anonymous structs. Thank you for sharing.

sherinek profile image
Sherine Khoury

Hi @aurelievache
Great series! After structs and functions, can't wait to see what Yoda gopher has to say about methods!

aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache

ah ah il te plait le yoda gopher :-)
A la rentrée va falloir que je switch sur kubernetes 1.31, un peu de Docker aussi avec les nouvelles fonctionnalités puis je recontinuerai la série sur Go.

A quand le clonage ? ^^