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Atul Bhatt
Atul Bhatt

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Const doesn't prevent immutability

What is a variable?

In programming, a variable is a name given to a location in the #memory of the computer.

Instead of treating the value of a variable as a number, string, etc. If we start looking at the value of a variable as an address to the location in a memory, then it will make it easy to understand the concept of let and const in JavaScript.

A mental model for understanding

Consider const keyword as representation for constant word.

And let keyword as temporary.
for example, if you remember, solving equations in mathematics we often say.

let us assume value of x is 10.

Now, combining both knowledge:

  • value of variable is an address
  • const is for constant
  • let is for temporary

it will start making sense for the statement below:

_const doesn't prevent immutability. It just prevents reassignment. _


Now, when I do:

const a = 12
/* A memory address is assigned to a (ex: M121312)
Now the value of "a" internally is "M121312")
If I try to do again: */

a = 13 
/*A new memory space will be assigned to value 13 (ex: M121314) */

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So, internally it seems like, we are trying to do reassign a value to a.

This might feel vague for now. But hold on.

Let's come to array.

const b = [1,23,45,56] 
/* b is assigned a memory address (M131314)
and when I do: */

b[2] = 24 
/* it works because the address of b is not changed. 
The value of b is still (M131314)
However, if I do:
b = [1,24,45,56] 
/* it's a new value assignment, i.e., a new address (M131320) */
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This is just a mental model to think about const and let that I came up with. I don't know if it's entirely correct or not.

Tell me in the comments if it makes sense!

As always thanks for reading. Stay curious!

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