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Ary Borenszweig
Ary Borenszweig

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Why I love Ruby: powerful calls

Designing the perfect API

In the last part I talked about how in Ruby method calls are used a lot and in many different ways. If users are going to write calls all the time, well, they better be nice to work with!

It turns out, Ruby calls are extremely flexible and powerful. Let's take a look at a few examples:

# No arguments, splits by whitespace
"a  b  c".split # => ["a", "b", "c"]

# With a string
"a,b,c".split(",") # => ["a", "b", "c"]

# With a string and a limit
"a,b,c".split(",", 2) # => ["a", "b,c"]

# With a block
"a,b,c".split(",") do |piece|
  puts piece # prints "a", "b" and "c" in order

# With a block and a limit
"a,b,c".split(",", 2) do |piece|
  puts piece # prints "a", then "b,c"

# With a regular expression
"a,,,b,,c".split(/,+/) # => ["a", "b", "c"]

# With a regular expression and a limit
"a,,,b,,c".split(/,+/, 2) # => ["a", "b,,c"]

"a\nb\n".each_line do |line|
  p line # prints "a\n", then "b\n"
"a\nb\n".each_line(chomp: true) do |line|
  p line # prints "a", then "b"

File.join("usr", "mail")          # => "usr/mail"
File.join("usr", "mail", "gumby") # => "usr/mail/gumby"
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These are just three methods, namely String#split, String#each_line and File.join, but we can already see a lot of what methods support:

  • They can behave differently depending on the number of arguments given. In this case, calling split without any arguments splits by whitespace. Then one can pass an extra integer to specify the maximum number of pieces to return.
  • They can behave differently depending on the type of argument. We can give split a String, but also a Regexp.
  • They can also behave differently if a block is given. In the case of split, if a block is given then each piece is yielded to the block.
  • Some arguments can be specified with a name, like in the case of chomp, which drops a trailing newline from a string, if there's any.
  • Some methods can accept a variable number of arguments: File.join will join all arguments given, no need to put them first in an array

From a user's perspective, if they want to split a string, all they need to do is call split. Maybe they want to use a string for that. Maybe a regular expression. Maybe with an optional limit. Or maybe they don't need to capture things in an array and it's fine if each piece is yielded to a block. It's fine! In all these cases the operation is a split.

I really like this, because:

  • The operation is really a split. Why have possibly multiple names for the same operation?
  • Given how flexible this is, it means that if you'd like to design an API, you can choose exactly how users are going to call it. If you prefer arguments to be named, you can do it. If you want optional arguments, you can do that too. You can design the API you had in mind! The language rarely constrains you here.

What about other languages?

So now I'm going to compare this with other languages. If I like this in Ruby it must mean that not every language works like that. I'm just noting that in this series of blog posts I compare Ruby with others just to say "I really like how Ruby handled this" and not "I really dislike how this other language did it."

Java has method overloads so you can define methods that operate on different number of arguments and different types. Then Java doesn't have default arguments, but you can kind of work around it by defining two overloads and having one method call the other one with a default value. Then Kotlin, which compiles to Java bytecode (among other things) supports default arguments and named arguments. Nice!

C# started being very similar to Java but slowly evolved in a great direction: they now support default argument values and even named arguments. Pretty cool!

Go has no overloads, no default argument values and no named arguments. If we want to split a string we have:

  • Split: splits by a string
  • SplitN: splits by a string returning at most N results.

Then if they wanted these to work with a regex they would need to add SplitRegex and SplitRegexN. If they want to add more options to split they will have to combine all these names and options into the function name. I know, I know, it's not a big deal. But I like it better in Ruby. In Ruby if I need to add a limit, I just add it. In Go I need to add it too, but then I need to go back and change the function name to add N. And of course I might forget what all these functions are named... in Ruby it's always split!

Rust is also a recent, modern language that has no default arguments and no named arguments.

Then we have Haskell and Elm, which are a completely different story. In Haskell and Elm you can call a function with less arguments than those required, and that's fine. Yes, you read that right. What happens is that the result is another function that expects the missing arguments. I think this is called partial application. Partial application is very powerful and useful! But because it's how the language works by default, this happens:

  • If you forget to pass an argument you don't get an error message at the call site. You will get it later when you try to use that result value, where you wanted something but you got a function. This makes understanding what went wrong really hard.
  • You can't have default arguments: if you don't pass an argument, should the default value be used, or is it partial application?
  • You can't have overloads based on the number of arguments for a similar reason than the last point

In practice having less flexibility in these cases also means having to think about how to name your functions. I know of Haskell functions where ' or '' appended to the name to support different number of arguments or different types. This in my opinion leads to code that's harder to understand or easily memorize.

In languages without default arguments people would come up with ways to simulate them, which means there's some boilerplate and also a chance that everyone has their own way of doing it, leading to less code uniformity.

One more thing about Ruby methods...

There's more! In Ruby method names don't have restrictions. For example, you can't have a function called void in Java, it's a keyword. You can't have a function called type in Go: it's a keyword! I recently found out that in Elm you can't have a record field be named type, even though, unless I'm mistaken, there would be a way to allow that without a problem.

So this is Ruby:

class Foo
  def def
end # => 1
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You can use names like begin, end, class... it's all good! Calling these requires a dot, so there's no ambiguity. Actually... you can also call methods that don't have a receiver (something before the dot,) but then you can do self.def in those cases and it will work.


Because we really like how flexibly Ruby is, we wanted the same thing in Crystal. And so, Crystal supports default arguments, named arguments, variable number of arguments, overloading based on different types, and overloading based on whether a method receives a block or not. You can even define methods that require arguments to be passed by name, and overload based on different names:

# Arguments that come after a `*` must be passed by name
def foo(*, x)
  "I got an x: #{x}"

def foo(*, y)
  "I got a y: #{y}"

foo x: 1 # => "I got an x: 1"
foo y: 2 # => "I got a y: 2"
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In fact, the very first code snippet in this post compiles and runs fine in Crystal, and it behaves almost exactly like in Ruby (in Crystal the chomp argument is true by default, while in Ruby it's false.)

In practice, you get all the flexibility that Ruby has, which lets you define delightful APIs.

Coming up next

It's time we talk about how great Ruby's standard library is!

Top comments (4)

matiasgarciaisaia profile image
Matías García Isaía

I know the series (great one!) is about Ruby, but I also think it's nice to mention how Crystal even improves Ruby's developer experience - having types, Crystal has different implementations of same arity methods for different types, instead of the Ruby way of having a single, long method that basically switches over parameter types to multiple implementations in the same method.

asterite profile image
Ary Borenszweig

It's a good point! I just didn't want to make the post longer by going into those details. For me it's enough that in Ruby you can express yourself however you want. Do it that can be a bit more complex in Ruby, and simpler in Crystal, it's true. But they both can do it :-)

marcoservetto profile image
Marco Servetto

""If you forget to pass an argument you don't get an error message at the call site""
I'm not sure this is a fair comparision in the context of your discussion, since you would get a 'strange result' also if you forget to pass an argument that has a default value.

asterite profile image
Ary Borenszweig • Edited

Well, if you forget to pass an argument and the default one is used, maybe you get an unexpected result, but the code works. In Elm and Haskell the code fails to compile and it's a bit hard to understand why it failed to compile because the problem won't be where the compiler tells you there's an error.

But, I agree with you that this whole topic is unrelated to the general topic I was addressing, so maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it.