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Cover image for Coding Puzzles: Week of 4/8
Ali Spittel
Ali Spittel

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Coding Puzzles: Week of 4/8

I'm bringing back the coding puzzles after a few month hiatus!

Every day, I post coding puzzles. These are quick coding challenges that increase in difficulty across the span of the week -- with Monday being the most beginner friendly and Friday being super tough. I love seeing other people's solutions as well, and so people post their solution to the problem in any programming language.

Here's more about them.

I wanted to try posting these here. I'm going to post each question from this week as a comment below, and then we will thread answers under those questions.

I'll be adding in the questions each day, so stay tuned and come back for more ๐Ÿ˜Š

Excited to see your solutions!

Top comments (47)

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Tuesday (7 KYU): Find the stray number

laurieontech profile image
function stray(arr) {
    return arr.reduce((a, b) => a ^ b)
threeheadedcerb profile image

What is this necromancy?

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laurieontech profile image
Laurie • Edited

Haha, bitwise xor. Since it's immutable and commutative it'll reduce down to the stray!

I should add that this only works because itโ€™s an odd number of elements in the array. An even number of matching elements cancel each other out to result in the โ€œstrayโ€.

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threeheadedcerb profile image

Oh my, it even works in python!

def stray(arr):
    count = {}
    for index, i in enumerate(arr):
        count[i] = count.setdefault(i, 0) + 1
        if index >= 2 and len(count.keys()) > 1:
    return next(k for k, v in count.items() if v == 1)

from functools import reduce

def intstray(arr: [int]):
    return reduce(lambda x,y: x ^ y, arr)

assert(intstray([1, 1, 2]) == 2)
#assert(intstray([1, 1, 2, 1]) == 2)
assert(intstray([17, 17, 3, 17, 17, 17, 17]) == 3)
assert(intstray([1, 2, 2]) == 1)
assert(stray(["bob", "bob", "bob", "steve", "bob"]) == "steve")
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laurieontech profile image

This is one of those moments when I wish gifs worked better on Dev. But yay!

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aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

They should work in normal image markdown!

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laurieontech profile image

Whaaa?! How did I not know this! changer

mihassan profile image
Md Imrul Hassan

Same idea in Haskell:

import Data.Bits

stray :: [Int] -> Int
stray = foldl1 xor
jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans

Well I can't think of a better answer for this particular problem domain.

joshuagilless profile image
Joshua Gilless

XOR is a great idea, thanks!

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laurieontech profile image

Math for the win! :D

ahmedmusallam profile image
Ahmed Musallam • Edited

here my cheap solution:

function stray(array) {
    var sorted = array.sort((a,b) => a - b)
    if (sorted[0] === sorted[1]) return sorted.pop();
    else return sorted.shift()

or shorter and more unreadable:

function stray(array) {
    var sorted = array.sort((a,b) => a - b)
    return sorted[0] === sorted[1] ? sorted.pop() : sorted.shift();

jellebekker profile image
Jelle Bekker

in c# using linq:

public static int Stray(int[] numbers)
    return numbers.Aggregate((x, y) => x ^ y);


public static int Stray(int[] numbers)
    return numbers.GroupBy(x => x).Single(num => num.Count() == 1).Key;
joshuagilless profile image
Joshua Gilless

Thanks for this! I don't really know C++, but I figured I'd give it a shot:

int stray(std::vector<int> numbers) {
    int n1, n2, n3;
    for (int i = 2; i < numbers.size(); i++) {
      n1 = numbers[i];
      n2 = numbers[i - 1];
      n3 = numbers[i - 2];
      if (n1 == n2 && n1 != n3) {
        return n3;
      } else if (n1 == n3 && n1 != n2) {
        return n2;
      } else if (n1 != n2 && n2 == n3) {
        return n1;
joshuagilless profile image
Joshua Gilless • Edited

@laurieontech did something really cool in JS with a bitwise XOR (her answer is above), so I figured I'd update this C++ answer with a bitwise XOR since I love it!

int stray(std::vector<int> numbers) {
    int r = numbers[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < numbers.size(); i++)
        r ^= numbers[i];
    return r;
threeheadedcerb profile image

Looks a bit messy, but I was going for something that might not be too inefficient with a large input array

def stray(arr):
    count = {}
    for index, i in enumerate(arr):
        count[i] = count.setdefault(i, 0) + 1
        if index >= 2 and len(count.keys()) > 1:
    return next(k for k, v in count.items() if v == 1)
clandau profile image
Courtney • Edited

This is the first I'm finding this, excited to play along! Here is yesterday's (edited to make the colors show up):

function stray(numbers) {
  let num1 = numbers[0], num2;
  let dupOf1 = false;
  for(let i=1; i<numbers.length; i++) {
      if(numbers[i] === num1) {
        if(num2) return num2;
        else dupOf1 = true;
      else if(numbers[i] === num2) return num1;
      else num2 = numbers[i];
  return dupOf1 ? num2 : num1;
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel
def stray(arr):
    for item in arr:
        if arr.count(item) == 1:
            return item
jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans • Edited

I don't think this is better than the bitwise solution but it's a different one lol

const stray =(n)=> n.filter((ele,_,ar) => ele !== ar[1]).pop()
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Wednesday (6 KYU): Implement Syntax Highlighting

threeheadedcerb profile image
russ • Edited
import re

def highlight(cmd):
    colour_map = [
        (r'F+', 'pink'),
        (r'L+', 'red'),
        (r'R+', 'green'),
        (r'\d+', 'orange'),
        (r'()+', None),
    highlighted = []
        for regex, colour in colour_map:
            match = re.match(regex, cmd)
            if match:
                idx_start, idx_end = match.span()
                highlighted.append((cmd[idx_start:idx_end], colour))
                cmd = cmd[idx_end:]
            highlighted.append((cmd[0], None))
            cmd = cmd[1:]
    return ''.join(['<span style="color: {}">{}</span>'.format(colour, string) if colour else string for string, colour in highlighted])
threeheadedcerb profile image

And now with added re.sub with a callable, which I had no idea was a thing! These coding things are pretty nifty for leaning new tricks I must say!

import re

def highlight(cmd):
    colour_map = [
        (r'F+', 'pink'),
        (r'L+', 'red'),
        (r'R+', 'green'),
        (r'\d+', 'orange'),
        (r'()+', None),

    def replacer(match : re.Match):
        substr =
        colour = next((colour for regex, colour in colour_map if re.match(regex, substr)), None)
        return '<span style="color: {}">{}</span>'.format(colour, substr) if colour else substr

    return re.sub(r'(\D)\1*|(\d+)', replacer, cmd)
laurieontech profile image

Oooh, I like this. I was thinking about a dictionary but didn't think about a dictionary with the regex as a key!

laurieontech profile image
Laurie • Edited

Booo regex

function highlight(code) {
  return code.replace(/(\D)\1+|(\d+|\D)/g, (substr) => {
      var color;
      let testChar = substr.charAt(0); 

      if (testChar === 'F') {
          color = 'pink';
      } else if (testChar === 'L') {
          color = 'red';
      } else if (testChar === 'R') {
          color = 'green';
      } else if (!isNaN(testChar)) {
          color = 'orange';
      } else {
        return substr;
      return '<span style="color: ' + color + '">' + substr + '</span>';   
laurieontech profile image
Laurie • Edited

Quick edit with a dictionary.

function highlight(code) {
  const colorDict = {'F': 'pink', 'L': 'red', 'R':'green'};

  return code.replace(/(\D)\1*|\d+/g, (substr) => {
      let testChar = substr.charAt(0); 

      if (testChar in colorDict) {
        return '<span style="color: ' + colorDict[testChar] + '">' + substr + '</span>';   
      } else if (!isNaN(testChar)) {
        return '<span style="color: orange">' + substr + '</span>';   
      } else {
        return substr;
threeheadedcerb profile image

I had no idea you could use \1 in the same expression as the tagged group, never seen that before!

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laurieontech profile image

Stackoverflow helped me with that one. I knew it was possible, but wasn't sure how. I actually started with the (.)\1* and iterated to the right regex from there.

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threeheadedcerb profile image
russ • Edited

You should be able to simplify it a little by changing the + to a * so you don't need the second \D I think?

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laurieontech profile image

Ooh, you're right. I had it that way to start and then ran into problems with a test case that had 663. It was splitting that grouping because it hit the matching case first. But when I removed the capture group generic and made it non-digit that solved that. So can revert back. Thanks :)

clandau profile image

The answers to this kata on codewars are blowing my mind.

function highlight(code) {
    let codeString = '';
    let leftPointer, currentItem;
    let colorObj = {'F': '<span style=\"color: pink\">', 'L': '<span style=\"color: red\">', 'R': '<span style=\"color: green\">'};
    for(let i=0; i<code.length; i++){
        currentItem = code[i];
        if(!isNaN(code[i])) {
            codeString += '<span style=\"color: orange\">'
            leftPointer = i;
            while(i+1 < code.length && !isNaN(code[i+1])) {
            codeString += code.slice(leftPointer, i+1) + '</span>';
        else if(colorObj[currentItem]) {
            codeString += colorObj[currentItem];
            while(i+1 < code.length && currentItem === code[i+1]) {
                codeString += currentItem;
        codeString += currentItem  + '</span>';
        if(currentItem === '(' || currentItem === ')') codeString += currentItem;
    return codeString;
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Monday (8KYU): How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years?

laurieontech profile image
Laurie • Edited

Javascript (ES6):

function stairs_in_20(stairs) {
       return stairs.reduce((steps, day) => steps.concat(day)).reduce((sum, count) => sum + count) * 20;
jellebekker profile image
Jelle Bekker

Not a one liner like you guys but C#:

using System;
public class Kata
  public static long StairsIn20(int[][] stairs)
    long sum = 0;
    foreach (var weekday in stairs)
        foreach (var steps in weekday)
          sum += steps;

    return sum * 20;
jellebekker profile image
Jelle Bekker

Okay, I couldn't help myself:

using System;
using System.Linq;

public class Kata
  public static long StairsIn20(int[][] stairs)
    return stairs.SelectMany(x => x).Sum() * 20;
mihassan profile image
Md Imrul Hassan
def stairs_in_20(stairs):
    return 20*sum(sum(stairs, []))
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel • Edited

My Python solution:

def stairs_in_20(stairs):
      return sum(i for sublist in stairs for i in sublist)  * 20
clandau profile image

Practicing TypeScript for my upcoming internship. And I figured out how to add code highlighting!

function stairsIn20(stairs : number[][]) : number {
    let totalStairs : number = 0;
    for(let day of stairs) {
      totalStairs += day.reduce((total, num) => total + num);
    return totalStairs * 20;
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Friday (CodeJam): Foregone Solution

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel
n_cases = int(input())
for i in range(1, n_cases + 1):
    check_amount = int(input())
    unfound = True
    fours = [int(i) for i in str(check_amount)]
    others = ["1" if n == 4 else "0" for n in fours]
    n = int(''.join(others))
    print("Case #{}: {} {}".format(i, n, check_amount - n))
clandau profile image

brute force for me so far.

const readline = require('readline');

function foregone() {
    let argumentsArray = [], answerArray = [];
    let linecounter = 0, tests;

    const rl = readline.createInterface({ 
        input: process.stdin,
        output: process.stdout
    rl.on('line', (line) => {
        if(linecounter === 1) tests = line;
        else {
            if(linecounter > tests) rl.close();
    }).on('close', () => {
        for(let i=0; i< argumentsArray.length; i++) {
        for(let i=0; i<answerArray.length; i++) {
            console.log(`Case #${i+1}: ${answerArray[i][0]} ${answerArray[i][1]}`)

    function noFours(num) {
        let a = num - 1, b = num - a;
        while(a.toString().indexOf('4') !== -1 || b.toString().indexOf('4') !== -1 && a >= b) {
            a--, b++;
        if(a.toString().indexOf('4') === -1 && b.toString().indexOf('4') === -1) return [a, b];
        else return undefined 
choroba profile image
E. Choroba
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use Math::BigInt;

chomp( my $cases = <> );
for my $case (1 .. $cases) {
    chomp( my $n = <> );
    (my $i = $n) =~ tr/4/3/;
    my $j = 'Math::BigInt'->new($n) - 'Math::BigInt'->new($i);
    say "Case #$case: $i $j";
jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans
const stairsIn20 =(s) => [...s].map((ele)=> ele.reduce((ag, nx)=> ag+nx))
.reduce((ag, nx)=> ag+nx) * 20
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Thursday (5 KYU): Perimeter of squares in a rectangle

choroba profile image
E. Choroba
use warnings;
use strict;

sub perimeters {
    my ($n) = @_;
    my @f = (1, 1);
    my $s = 0;
    for (0 .. $n) {
        $s += $f[0];
        @f = ($f[1], $f[0] + $f[1]);
    return 4 * $s

# In a good TDD tradition, I started with these lines:
use Test::More tests => 2;
is perimeters(5), 80;
is perimeters(7), 216;
clandau profile image

TypeScript. Great practice!

export class G964 {
    public static perimeter = (n) => {
      let fibArray : number[] = [0, 1, 1];
      for(let i=3; i<=n+1; i++) {
        fibArray[i] = fibArray[i-1] + fibArray[i-2];
      return fibArray.reduce((a, b) => a + b) * 4;
jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans
const stairsIn20 =(s) => [...s].map((ele)=> ele.reduce((ag, nx)=> ag+nx)).reduce((ag, nx)=> ag+nx) * 20