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Digital Ocean's Hackathon App: COVID-19 One Stop Solution

What We built

We have built a COVID-19 tracker to track the latest data of the number of cases, the number of recoveries and the number of deaths both globally and country-wise.
The app also has a news section to get the latest news regarding covid vaccines and the new strain.
We also implemented a chatbot to check the chances of having the Corona Virus. The chatbot is at par with India's official Aarogya Setu app.

Category Submission:

Program for the People

App Link


Home Page:

Analyzer Page:

Stats Page:

Mobile View Home Page:

Mobile View Hamburger Menu:

Mobile View Analyzer Page:

Mobile View Stats Page:


The project is a combined effort of me (@aryan040501 ) and Utkarsh Kumar (@thisisutkarsh ). We have created a one-stop app for COVID-19.

The app has 3 main pages:


Consists of Latest news related to COVID-19.


Consists of the daily number of cases, recoveries and deaths with graphs for global and also for every country on selection. It uses react and fetches data from an API which is a realtime JSON file.


It is a bot that analyses if you have chances of COVID-19, *it is at par with Aarogya Setu (an Indian application supported by Govt of India)

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT Licence


(What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

Amidst these hard times, we often get carried away that the virus might not be that dangerous as the media doesn't always show only about Covid19.
We came across this idea so that people from all over the world have access to the information and can also analyze if they have a risk of COVID.
We didn't want anyone to be at risk of exposure and that is what inspired us.

How I built it

(How did you utilize DigitalOcean’s App Platform? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

We used React for the front end and also used covid's free API to help us with the statistics.
We learnt how to deal with API in React and also learnt how we can make bots for a website using "react-chatbot-kit"
We then used the free tier of DigitalOcean to host the app from GitHub.

List of All Technologies Used To Build

1.) React
2.) CSS
3.) HTML
4.) JavaScript
5.) Material-UI

Additional Resources/Info

This is a team project.

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