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🚀Top 9+ Node.js Templates and Dashboards to Boost Your Workflow🚀

✨ If you're looking to save time and energy while building rapid, scalable backend and networking applications, then Node.js is the way to go! This open-source, cross-platform runtime environment is based on the V8 JavaScript engine and boasts an event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture. Plus, it's well-suited for real-time applications and provides a ton of features, including:

👉 Lightweight design: easy for novice developers to learn and use
👉 Scalability: capable of handling a huge number of concurrent connections
👉 High performance: non-blocking execution of threads makes it fast and efficient
👉 A vast collection of open-source packages (over a million in the npm ecosystem)
👉 Multi-platform support: can be used to create SaaS sites, desktop apps, and mobile apps
👉 Maintainability: frontend and backend can be managed using JavaScript

✨ Why start from scratch when you can use a pre-designed template and get started right away?

✨ Check out these top Node.js templates and dashboards:

👉 Sofia React NodeJS: a full-featured template with useful components and elements, plus integration with a backend and database.
👉 Sing App Vue NodeJS: a complete "frontend + backend" template with log-in methods, authentication, and product management pages already integrated.
👉 Flatlogic One React NodeJS: a starting point for building SAAS, CMS, and eCommerce applications, with integration with a NodeJS backend and PostgreSQL database. Try out 30% OFF with discount code APP_NOW 🤯

✨ Get your project up and running in no time with these Node.js templates and dashboards!

Top comments (2)

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

They are outdated. React 17 on the first, Vue 2.5 on the second and React 16 on the third.

omkarrevankarthinkitive profile image

feels good to know that peoples are already using chatGPT....