Sometimes we need to create custom commands to fast-forward our tasks. So here is the process to create your custom command for your Laravel project.
First Create a command class with this command -
php artisan make:command CustomCommand
After that, it will create a file on this path -
Then Update your custom command like this -
protected $signature = 'make:files {name}';
Add your command description and update your custom conditions on handle() method.
Here is added my conditions -
public function handle()
$name = $this->argument('name');
$this->call('make:model', [
'name' => $name,
'-m' => true,
$this->call('make:controller', [
'name' => "{$name}Controller",
$this->call('make:request', [
'name' => "{$name}/{$name}StoreRequest",
$this->call('make:request', [
'name' => "{$name}/{$name}UpdateRequest",
$this->info("Resource files for {$name} have been generated.");
return Command::SUCCESS;
Done You have successfully created your command for your project.
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