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Arief Warazuhudien
Arief Warazuhudien

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How to Manage Logs in Dockerized Applications: Redirecting Output to Files and Handling Log Rotation

Docker has become a popular tool for packaging applications and deploying them in a portable manner across different environments. However, it is important to ensure that the applications running in Docker containers are properly monitored and their logs are managed effectively.

By default, Docker containers write their logs to the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr). This can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting, but it is not a recommended approach for managing logs in production environments.

In production environments, it is typically necessary to redirect the logs to a file and handle log rotation to prevent the log files from becoming too large and consuming too much disk space. This can be achieved by configuring the Docker logging driver to write logs to a file and specifying the maximum size of each log file and the maximum number of log files to keep.

Proper log management can provide a number of benefits, including improved system performance, faster troubleshooting, and better security. By following best practices for managing logs in Dockerized applications, you can ensure that your applications are running smoothly and that any issues are quickly identified and resolved.

Redirecting logs to a file

To redirect logs to a file in Docker, you can use the --log-driver and --log-opt options when running the container. Here's an example command:

docker run --log-driver=local --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=3 my-dockerized-app
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In this command, we are using the local logging driver to redirect logs to a file on the local filesystem. We are also specifying that log files should be no larger than 10 MB (max-size=10m) and that a maximum of 3 log files should be kept (max-file=3).

You can adjust these options to suit your needs. For example, you might want to use a different logging driver or specify a different maximum log file size.

Handling log rotation

Once logs are being written to a file, it's important to handle log rotation to prevent log files from becoming too large and consuming too much disk space. There are a few ways to handle log rotation in Docker, including using a log rotation tool or configuring the logging driver to handle it.

One popular tool for log rotation is logrotate, which is available on many Linux systems. To use logrotate, you can create a configuration file that specifies the log files to rotate and how often to rotate them. Here's an example configuration file:

/path/to/log/file {
    rotate 7
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In this example, we are specifying that the log file at /path/to/log/file should be rotated daily (daily), with a maximum of 7 rotated log files (rotate 7). We are also compressing rotated log files (compress), delaying compression until the next rotation (delaycompress), and allowing rotation to proceed even if the log file is missing (missingok). Finally, we are notifying if the log file is empty after rotation (notifempty).

You can adjust these options to suit your needs. Once you have created a configuration file, you can run logrotate manually or configure it to run automatically using a cron job.

Alternatively, you can configure the Docker logging driver to handle log rotation for you. For example, you might use the json-file logging driver with the max-size and max-file options, as we saw earlier. When the maximum log file size or number of log files is reached, the logging driver will automatically rotate the log files for you.


Redirecting logs to a file and handling log rotation are important steps for managing Dockerized applications in production environments. By following best practices for log management, you can ensure that your applications are running smoothly and that any issues are quickly identified and resolved.

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