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Arief Warazuhudien
Arief Warazuhudien

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Retrieving User Information from Jira using Groovy Script

In today's interconnected tech ecosystem, automation and integration between platforms are of paramount importance. One such useful integration point is Jira, a popular issue and project tracking software developed by Atlassian. Developers often need to interface with Jira's API to automate or customize specific workflows.

In this article, we'll dissect a Groovy script snippet that makes an HTTP request to Jira's API to retrieve user information based on a user's email or name and then extract the accountId from the resulting JSON.

The Script Snippet:

def userResponse = httpRequest(
    authentication: 'JiraAuth',
    httpMode: 'GET',
    url: ''
def user = readJSON text: userResponse.content
def accountId = user[0].accountId
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Understanding the Snippet:

HTTP Request:

The httpRequest function sends an HTTP GET request. Let's break down the parameters passed to it:

  • authentication: 'JiraAuth': This indicates that the request requires authentication, and 'JiraAuth' would be a predefined authentication method, possibly a token or user credentials specific to Jira.

  • httpMode: 'GET': This parameter specifies the type of HTTP method being used. In this case, it's a 'GET' request.

  • url: The provided URL is an endpoint of the Jira API that allows searching for users based on a query which is expected to be either the email or name of the user.

Reading the Response:

The readJSON function is used to parse the JSON response from the HTTP request. This parsed JSON is then stored in the user variable.

userResponse.content: This gets the actual content of the response, which is expected to be in JSON format.

Extracting the accountId:

user[0].accountId: The parsed JSON is expected to be an array of users. This line extracts the accountId of the first user in the list.

Practical Use Cases:

User Verification: By searching for users based on their emails or names, developers can verify if a particular user exists in the Jira system or not.

User Management Automation: By automating the process of fetching user details, larger scripts or programs can be built to manage users, such as assigning them to projects, groups, or roles based on certain criteria.

Audit and Reporting: This script can be incorporated into a more extensive system that audits user activities, checks for inactive users, or generates reports based on user interactions with Jira.


The provided Groovy script snippet is a straightforward and effective way to communicate with Jira's API to retrieve user details. While it seems simple, the concept can be expanded and integrated into a wide variety of tasks and automations, making the developer's life easier and more efficient. If you're looking to integrate Jira with other platforms or automate specific Jira workflows, mastering such scripts is an excellent place to start.

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