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Anshu Verma
Anshu Verma

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What is ASP.Net MVC?

MVC :-
MVC is one of the architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces.
MVC is a framework for building web applications using an MVC (Model View Controller) design.

MVC components :-
Model : Model represents the data or shapes the data.
Application data and behaviour in terms of its domain and independent of the UI.
C # class that represents a table in the SQL server.
Basically serves as a data blueprint and can also be used to define the data relations.

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View : The HTML markup that we display to the user.

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Controller : Responsible for handling HTTP request. Get data from database through the model, put them in the view and return the view to the client or the browser.

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There is one more piece to this architecture which is not in the acronym "MVC" but it is nearly always there. It's router. When a request comes in an application, a controller will be selected for handling that request. Selecting the right controller is the responsibility of the router.

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Router : Selects the right controller to handle a request.

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A router based on some rules knows that the request with a URL should be handled by a class. More accurately it should be handled by one of the methods in the class because a class can have many different methods.
In ASP.NET MVC we refer to method of a controller as actions. So it is more accurate to say with, an action in a controller is responsible for handling a request.

Benefit of MVC :-
Better separation of concern : With this architecture each component has distinct responsibility and this results in better separation of concerns and more maintainable application.

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