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Anower Hossain
Anower Hossain

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JavaScript Proxies allow you to intercept and customize operations performed on objects

JavaScript Proxies allow you to intercept and customize operations performed on objects. They are a powerful tool for implementing design patterns such as the observer pattern, extending object behavior, and creating objects with a consistent interface for a wide range of use cases.

Here are some examples of how you can use JavaScript Proxies:

Observability: You can use a Proxy to monitor the access and modification of an object's properties and trigger a callback function when these operations occur. This is useful for implementing data binding, reactive programming, and other observability-based design patterns.

Extensible chaining: You can use a Proxy to extend the behavior of an object by intercepting operations and modifying their arguments or return values before or after the original operation is performed. This is useful for creating fluent interfaces and other chainable APIs.

Callable objects: You can use a Proxy to create an object that acts like a function, allowing you to define a custom behavior for the object's "call" and "construct" trap. This is useful for creating objects that behave like functions but have additional functionality or a more intuitive interface.

Here is an example of how you might use a Proxy to create an observable object in JavaScript:

const observableObject = new Proxy({}, {
  set: (target, key, value) => {
    console.log(`Setting property "${key}" to "${value}"`);
    target[key] = value;
  get: (target, key) => {
    console.log(`Getting property "${key}"`);
    return target[key];
}); = 'bar';

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This code will output the following:

Setting property "foo" to "bar"
Getting property "foo"

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.

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