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Anne Quinkenstein
Anne Quinkenstein

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Getting started with TestNG Java Framework

  1. Install TestNG
  2. Basic Test-Annotation
  3. Create an XML
  4. Refere to packages
  5. Before/ After - Annotations
    1. xml-Level
    2. Class-Level
  6. run specific Tests with
  7. with a little help of attributes
    1. Order Methods
    2. Skip Test
    3. TimeOut
  8. Parametrizing
    1. in XML file (global environment variables)
      1. in xml
      2. in java-class
    2. with DataProvider Annotation
  9. ITestListener Interface
  10. Run Tests parallel
  11. Reporting

Why TestNG?

Testframework influnced by JUnit

  • Annotations
  • Assertions
  • Attributes (priority, dependsOnMethods, and dependsOnGroups)
  • Data-driven testing
  • Cross-browser testing

Install TestNG

in your IDE

Basic Test-Annotation

@Test followed by a Method to write a test:

public class Basics {

    public void Demo(){
    public void Second(){.... 
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multiple Testcases in one Class with each @Test Annotation

Create an XML

(IntelliJ XML Plugin):
xml Hierachy: Test Cuit -> Test Folder (Shell)-> Test Cases

  • to compose different Testexecutions
  • exclude/include specific tests in the execution
  • RegEx Wildcard .* (use Name Conventions!)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Suite">
    <test  name="basics">
            <class name="TestNG.Basics"/>
            <class name="TestNG.day3"/>
    <test  name="later in the day">
            <class name="TestNG.day2">
                   <include name="SecondTest"/>
    <test  name="later">
            <class name="TestNG.day3" >
                   <exclude name="Demo*"/>
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Refere to packages

Image of Package in Code
e.g. for Regressiontests

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Packages">
    <test  name="basics">
            <package name="TestNG"/>
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Before/ After - Annotations

Before: First Execution to wipe System clean, delete Data or execute Testdata in Database. API: BaseURl put in Test, Mobile: start appium automation server
After: Last Execution to delete Cookies, stop processes, read reports, APIs: close connections


@BeforeTest Before Folder (<test> .... </test>)
@AfterTest After Folder (<test> .... </test>)
Scope: Folder in which it is defined

@BeforeSuite Before everthing which is in xml file (<suite> .... </suite>)
@AfterSuite After everthing which is in xml file (<suite> .... </suite>)
Scope: xml


@BeforeMethod Before each and every Method (e.g. Delete Cookies, REST API- Authenticate each + every time)
@AfterMethod After each and every Method
Scope: class only(runs several times for each method)

write the annotation in any class in the folder (<test> .... </test>)


public class Basics {
    public void Demo(){ System.out.println("hello"); }

    public void prerequisite() {
        System.out.println("first execution");

    public void lastExecution(){
        System.out.println("execute last");
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run specific Tests with groups

to run a specific subset of tests spread through the classes
e.g. Smoke Tests

<suite name="Suite">
    <test  name="basics">
                <include name="smoke"/>
            <class name="TestNG.Basics"/>
            <class name="TestNG.day2"/>
            <class name="TestNG.day3"/>
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exclude is possible too

with a little help of attributes

Order Methods

TestNG executes the tests in alphabetic Order
Tweak order with ... @Test(dependsOnMethods = {"Demo", "Demo2"})

Skip Test

if you already reported a Bug and can go on
@Test(enabled = false)


in ms
@Test(timeOut = 4000)


in XML file (global environment variables)

in xml
<suite name="Suite">
    <parameter name="URL" value="" />
      <parameter name="APIKey/usrname" value="123" />
    <test  name="basics">
        <parameter name="URL" value="" />
            <class name="TestNG.Basics"/>
            <class name="TestNG.day3"/>
    <test  name="later in the day">
        <parameter name="URL" value="" />
            <class name="TestNG.day2">
                   <include name="SecondTest"/>
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you determine which URL is passed to which class with where it is put in the xml

in java-class
@Parameters("URL", "APIKey/usrname")
    public void Demo(String urlname, String key){ System.out.println(urlname + key); }
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with DataProvider Annotation

@Test(dataProvider = "getData")
    public void SecondTest(String username, String password){

    public Object[][] getData() {
        Object[][] data = new Object[3][2];

        //1st set
        data[0][0] = "firstusername";
        data[0][1] = "password";

        //2nd set
        data[1][0] = "secondusername";
        data[1][1] = "password";

        //3rd set
        data[2][0] = "thirdusername";
        data[2][1] = "password";
        return data;
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ITestListener Interface

import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.ITestListener;
import org.testng.ITestResult;

public class Listeners implements ITestListener {

    public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result) {
        System.out.println("Successfully passed - as you can hopefully see.");

    public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {
        System.out.println("Successfully failed the test " + result.getName());


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add to XML file

<suite name="Suite">
        <listener class-name="TestNG.Listeners"/>
    <parameter name="URL" value="" />
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Run Tests parallel

e.g. for Performance Testing
in xml File

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="2">
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which means 2 tests run at a time
for mobile testing you have to have multiply devices, for API fine
or <test parallel="classes" thread-count="2" >


config-Default Report
then you'll find a testoutput Folder with a index.html, you can generate the report with
How to find the Report
Report in Browser

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