Create a Maven Project
1. Create new Maven Project
-> Maven - new Project - maven-quickstart - GroupID + ArtifactID
2. Add all Dependencies in pom.xml
Add from Maven Repro: Selenium & TestNG
3. Create Base and utility functions
Create base Class in main/java & add Browser Invocation
- create a resources Package in main/java
- create a file "" to store data in a central place
store things like
browser = chrome
- envoce it in the base.file
Properties prop = Properties();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("//home//helloworld//Documents//Code//Ecplise//SampleProject//E2EProject//src//main//java//SampleProject//");
String browsername = prop.getProperty("browser");
Find absolute path of in rightclick Properties
put it in the FileInputStream
if (browserName == "chrome")
System.setProperty("", "C://home//helloworld//chromedriver");
driver = new ChromeDriver();
} else if ....
// instead of former implicitly Wait:
new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10));
return driver;
4. Organizing Page objects
- Adding Tests
- Datadriving/ Prameterizing Tests
- Converting into TestNG Framework
- TestNG Listeners
- Screenshot on Test Failures
- Creating Excellent HTML reports for Test Results
- Jenkins Continuous Integration
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