DEV Community

Ankita Singhal
Ankita Singhal

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How often do you pair-program?

How often do you pair program?

I try to pair program at least 1-2 hours per week, sometimes more, depending on the amount of work load.

It has helped me learn more, collaborate effectively and ease out of the anxiousness of someone watching me code over my shoulder.

How often do you pair-program? How has it helped you?

Top comments (4)

patzistar profile image
Patrick Schadler

Tough topic. We tried really hard to kinda force pair-programming to be at least 3 hours a day, but we failed miserably. Now it's around 1-2 hours in a two-week sprint, except code reviews.

I would love to hear your experiences.

ankitasinghal profile image
Ankita Singhal

Yes in my previous team even we tried to force pair-programming and it didn't work out. We learned from our mistakes and took baby steps to start doing it with half an hour a week to begin with, with everyone setting their own personal goals and had some training sessions around it too.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

About one a week for 30 minutes. It's an optional to-do as part of my bootcamp and it has been beneficial in getting through the course material.

ankitasinghal profile image
Ankita Singhal

Awesome..!! :)