DEV Community

Tom Borg
Tom Borg

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Junior web dev looking for tips on creating my personal website

I'm a junior web developer looking for a bit of guidance. I currently work freelance with WordPress and am starting to learn some React and PHP.

I've decided I'd like to start putting together my own personal site, as a portfolio and to find potential clients, but also to practice the skills that I'm learning.

I wonder if anyone has any tips that you would have found useful when you first created your personal site, e.g. Using boiler plates, free hosting sites, dos and donts, etc.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Top comments (8)

kurealnum profile image

I would advise against using boilerplates, unless it saves you a good deal of time. You can host static sites on GitHub for free (and IIRC you can also integrate React into those sites), but I'm not sure where you can host PHP stuff. As for do's and don'ts, do have fun with it! I personally think that sites that are built with a bit of "passion" tend to look a whole lot better than those built just as a portfolio site.

travissouthard profile image
Travis Southard

Lots of great tips here! I want to add:

  • Make sure to show yourself, not necessarily with a photo, but this is your site about your work. Decorate it how you like. Show off your aesthetics and skills. Anyone hiring you is curious about who you are as much as what you can do. (also it just makes your site more fun)
  • Anytime you complete a new project, you should link to it on your website, no matter how trivial it may seem.
  • Use Open Graph Protocol tags in your page heads. The previews they create on LinkedIn and other social media elevate your work and make your links more attractive and professional
  • Check out some of the IndieWeb suggestions for what to add to your site.
sotabound profile image
Scott Lassiter

I would really start with the fundamentals. If you do not already know them such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL, take time to learn them. I really encourage you to learn about the database also. There are so many developers out there that look over the database and really just focus on application development. If you begin creating endpoints you will need to be able to write queries for them. Good luck!

shafayeat profile image
Shafayet Hossain

I’d suggest starting with a lightweight framework or boilerplate. If you're working with React, Next.js can give you a good head start. For WordPress, begin with a clean, minimal theme to avoid unnecessary bloat. While you're getting started, free hosting options like GitHub Pages or Netlify work well for static sites. If you’re dealing with PHP, affordable options like DigitalOcean are great for dynamic content. Keep the design simple and focus on showcasing your projects. Each project should clearly explain what you did, the challenges you faced, and the technologies used. Clients love practical examples of your work. Make sure your site is optimized for performance. Tools like Lighthouse or GTmetrix can help ensure fast load times and a good user experience. Lastly, don’t overcomplicate things early on. Focus on responsiveness and clean design, and don’t forget a clear Call to Action (CTA) for clients, like a contact form. Good luck, and happy coding!!!🖤🖤

gnanee profile image • Edited

Hey Thomas! Great initiative on building your personal site! Here are some tips:

  1. Start Simple: Focus on clean design to showcase your projects.

  2. Boilerplates/Frameworks: Use something like Next.js (React-based) for static generation; it'll be fast and easy to deploy.

  3. Free Hosting: GitHub Pages or Netlify are great for static sites. If you're using PHP, try Heroku or DigitalOcean.

  4. Projects Section: Make sure you have a clear, organized projects section with descriptions and tech stacks.

Good luck!

digantgoradia profile image
Digant Goradia
tdjdev profile image

I agree with the others, have fun and show off!

If you're comfortable with that, take the time to manage your page's accessibility and ergonomics and increase its score as much as possible with auditing tools like Lighthouse.

Having a polished personal page that uses the right tags can be a plus.

PS: Even if it's useless and if you feel comfortable with it, making a PWA/TWA could be fun and show off your skills a bit more.

hirushi_nethmini_41168bb8 profile image
Hirushi Nethmini • Edited

I created my personal portfolio three months ago using React. It includes details about my skills, experience, and projects, as well as a contact form integrated with a mail service. I hosted the portfolio through Git.