DEV Community

Angga Lesmana
Angga Lesmana

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What Should I know for being advance angular dev

I try to ask chatGpt for this situation,
and I got the information for that questions

To be an advanced Angular developer, you should have a strong understanding of the following concepts:

  1. Components: Components are the building blocks of an Angular application. They are responsible for displaying content and handling user interactions.

  2. Services: Services are used to encapsulate business logic and provide a way to share data and functionality across different components.

  3. Routing: Routing allows you to define the different URLs that your application supports and the corresponding component that should be displayed for each URL.

  4. Forms: Angular provides a powerful framework for building forms, including support for reactive forms and validation.

  5. Dependency injection: Dependency injection is a way to inject a service or other object into a component or service. It is an important design pattern in Angular and allows for better separation of concerns and testability.

  6. Observables: Observables are a way to manage asynchronous data streams in Angular. They are used extensively in Angular to handle HTTP requests and other asynchronous events.

  7. Pipes: Pipes are a way to transform data in templates. They can be used to format dates, currency, and other types of data.

  8. Modules: Modules are a way to organize your application and manage dependencies. They are used to define the different features of your application and provide a way to reuse code across multiple components.

  9. Angular CLI: The Angular CLI is a command-line interface for Angular that makes it easy to create, build, and deploy your application.

  10. Testing: Testing is an important part of the development process in Angular. You should be familiar with different types of tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, and have experience writing and running tests for your applications.

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