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Andy Jessop profile picture

Andy Jessop

I'm a Technical Lead Front-end Engineer. In my time off I like gardening, woodworking, and spending lots of time with my kids. I'm also addicted to side-projects.

Joined Joined on  github website
Five Year Club
Writing Debut
2 Week Community Wellness Streak
Four Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Starting Out with Go: Understanding Concurrency Basics

Starting Out with Go: Understanding Concurrency Basics

7 min read

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Building a Basic HTTP Server in Go: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Building a Basic HTTP Server in Go: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Comments 2
7 min read
Building a Terminal-based Chatbot in Rust from Scratch

Building a Terminal-based Chatbot in Rust from Scratch

10 min read
OKRs: A Framework for Avoiding Micromanagement and Unlocking Creativity

OKRs: A Framework for Avoiding Micromanagement and Unlocking Creativity

2 min read
Drastically Cut CI Time in an Nx Monorepo with Remote Task Caching: A Step-by-Step Guide

Drastically Cut CI Time in an Nx Monorepo with Remote Task Caching: A Step-by-Step Guide

18 min read
Creating a Smart Second Brain: Leveraging Cloudflare Workers, Vectorize, and OpenAI

Creating a Smart Second Brain: Leveraging Cloudflare Workers, Vectorize, and OpenAI

Comments 6
8 min read
Integrating Preact Signals with Lit via Custom Directive

Integrating Preact Signals with Lit via Custom Directive

2 min read
Anatomy of a Web Component: the Low-level Basics

Anatomy of a Web Component: the Low-level Basics

3 min read
Setting up a new Cloudflare Worker with a custom domain.

Setting up a new Cloudflare Worker with a custom domain.

3 min read
Reducing Time Spent in CI to Almost Nothing, with Nx Cloud

Reducing Time Spent in CI to Almost Nothing, with Nx Cloud

3 min read