DEV Community

Ananya Paw ๐Ÿพ
Ananya Paw ๐Ÿพ

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I asked AI to write world's longest word, results were quite....

So, i found that there is a word which the world's longest word, which is a chemical name of protien called titin, which is approximately 189,819 letters long.

So, i though of asking best AI's to write it for me. Let's see who can write the whole word.

Now we know output token is limited so we won't be able to get full word but atleast we would be able to get 30-40 thousands letters easily

The prompt im using is:-

what is chemical name of largest know protien called titin. write full name. Nothing else just write the full name. start writing the name. dosent matter if its long.
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Well that was disappointing.

Cluade Sonnet 3.5 Paid
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Just a bit better than GPT considering it alteast gave few letter of the word. (Was actually expecting it to write major part of the word considering it is best model out there right now)
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This is bit better as we got 933 characters. So, almost a winner.

AyeSoul AI
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This is also bit better than perplexity as we got around 1444 characters. So, almost again a winner.
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Again, disappointing.

Gemini PRO
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Well this is biggest disappointment of all, as it flagged the question as harmful (maybe due to long response). Irony is this is the model with longest context length of all.

LLama 70B
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Around 320 characters, which is not great but comparing to few others, atleast there is something

After this i tested with few other models, but none of them even started to give the name.

Actually there are no winners, but if i had to pick almost winners i would put Ayesoul (1444 characters), Perplexity (933 characters) and LLama (320 characters).

This is the new strawberry problem.

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