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Anand C R
Anand C R

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Framework versus library in software projects: What are the differences?

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*Frameworks and libraries have a significant role to play in application development. There are several libraries and frameworks in the software development industry.

*Some popular libraries include React and JQuery, while some well-known frameworks are Angular, Node.js, Vue.js, Spring, etc.

*Both libraries and frameworks help developers quickly build applications with the necessary features. Libraries offer classes and functions that enhance the functionality of existing applications, whereas frameworks offer a complete structure to build applications.

*This is the main difference between the two. If you have worked with both, you may already know that code libraries are typically used to add a particular feature or solve a specific problem in your program.

*However, frameworks offer a more universal and reusable method. There is no inherent superiority between libraries and frameworks. You must determine which approach is most suitable for the given situation. Understanding the differences between them will assist you in making an informed decision.

You can explore them further in the article.


softwaredevelopment #framework #softwaredeveloper

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