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ps_mem: A Lightweight Tool for Accurate Memory Usage Reporting

ps_mem: A Lightweight Tool for Accurate Memory Usage Reporting

Are you looking for a reliable way to measure the memory footprint of your programs on Linux? Look no further than ps_mem! This simple Python script provides an accurate view of a program's in-core memory usage.

What it Does

ps_mem goes beyond the basic memory information provided by tools like ps. It delves into the /proc filesystem to extract a more precise picture of memory consumption, including:

  • Resident Set Size (RSS): The amount of physical memory a process actively uses.
  • Shared Memory: Memory shared with other processes. This helps identify potential memory optimization opportunities.

Key Features

  • Accuracy: ps_mem leverages the /proc/$pid/smaps file for more accurate memory reporting compared to traditional methods.
  • Lightweight: Being a Python script, ps_mem is easy to install and use, with minimal resource overhead.
  • Informative Output: ps_mem displays memory usage in human-readable units (KiB, MiB, etc.) for easy comprehension.
  • Process Counting: It also reports the number of processes with a specific name, aiding in identifying resource-intensive applications.

Getting Started

ps_mem is available on GitHub:


  1. Ensure you have Python 3 installed.
  2. Clone the repository: git clone
  3. Navigate to the project directory: cd ps_mem
  4. Run the script: python

Going Further

ps_mem offers a straightforward approach to memory analysis.

  • For detailed information on script functionality, refer to the commit history:
  • If you're comfortable with Python, consider contributing to the project's development!

For a deeper dive into memory management, explore tools like top and htop for real-time monitoring, or consider profiling tools for a more comprehensive analysis.

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