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Al Rubel Rana
Al Rubel Rana

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Build An Admin Dashboard Using React & GraphQL

Original post:React GraphQL Admin Dashboard Template

Inst is a Minimalist React Dashboard built with React, NextJS, TypeScript, GraphQL & Uber’s Base UI. It is very easy to use; GraphQL and TypeGraphQL are implemented. Inst is a Next.js GraphQL powered admin dashboard. Used progressive web application pattern, highly optimized for your next react application. You can use it for both Dashboard and Public pages for your web applications. Available in both Light and Dark mode.

To activate the Dark mode, Click on the profile image at the right corner, and you will find the β€˜Dark Mode’ in Drop-down.

Note: Please note that, This is not an HTML template. It is a React Dashboard template built using Next.js Framework.

P.S. Design inspiration was taken from

Inst – React GraphQL Admin Dashboard Template

View Demo

Built with

  • Next JS, React Apollo and GraphQL are used.
  • All components are written in TypeScript.
  • Monorepo Supported with Lerna Configuration.
  • SSR support for building highly scalable apps.
  • Uber's BaseUi
  • React Big Calendar

Stack Used by Developer

Template Features

  • Create Next App, React Hooks, React Context
  • BaseUI Design, Next.Js, Next Optimized Image
  • Glide.Js for Slider, TypeScript, Apollo Client
  • GraphQL, TypeGraphQL, Styletron
  • Comes with both Dark & Light Mode
  • Charts, User Profile, ToDo
  • Github Search, Firebase CRUD, Product Hunt
  • Shop Page, Checkout Page, Invoice
  • Pricing Plan, Billing, Authorized Applications

Buy Theme

Getting Started

After downloading the file from Themeforest, You will find file. Unzip the and run the following commands on inst folder to get started with the project.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

//For starting dev server run

yarn dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

NOTE: Before start the project add your config credentials in next.config.js file

env: {
APOLLO_CLIENT_URL: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN: 'your_github_auth_token',
PRODUCT_HUNT_AUTH_TOKEN: 'your_product_hunt_auth_token',
FIREBASE_API_KEY: 'your_firebase_api_key',
FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN: 'your_firebase_auth_domain',
FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL: 'your_firebase_database_url',
FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID: 'your_firebase_project_id',
FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET: 'your_firebase_storage_bucket',
FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID: 'your_firebase_messaging_sender_id',
FIREBASE_APP_ID: 'your_firebase_app_id',
FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID: 'your_firebase_measurement_id',
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Folder Structure

/data [ui elements api data]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Explaining Containers

In the containers directory you will get folder for Calendar, Crud, Formik, HookForm[React hook form], Posts, Shop, Todo and Widgets.

All of these containers contain regular reactjs code.


Developer has provided deployment support by default. Follow below instruction.

Developer has given deployment by default. For hosting the project in

  1. Add your production credentials on next.config.js
  2. first you have to go api folder and run now

    $ cd api/
    $ now

  3. After deploying api you will get a url from now. You have to put that url in the

    /frontend/next.config.js APOLLO_CLIENT_URL.

  4. Now go to frontend folder and run now

    $ cd frontend/
    $ now

Note: Make sure you have now-cli installed in your system.

This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article.

Top comments (2)

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Hi, Al.

You'd need to disclose affiliate links for linked sites.

If a post contains affiliate links, that fact must be clearly disclosed. For instance, with language such as: β€œThis post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article.”


alrubelrana profile image
Al Rubel Rana

Ok. Thanks