DEV Community

Alina K
Alina K

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Do you need math to work in IT or be a Developer?

How someone once told me - yes, you need it, at least for proper salary calculation 😅

Jokes aside, good news for everyone who’s not a fan of math - NOP it’s absolutely NOT a requirement, you can be a part of the IT field without knowing it well! IT has many professions - programmers, testers, designers, recruiters, scrum masters, project managers, agile coaches… In the majority, you don’t need any mathematics at all. You should have other skills but knowing math is definitely not one of "must-haves".

And what if you want to be a developer? It depends.

✅ You don’t need math in the majority of programming jobs. Even if the field you're working in has some calculations. Let's say, you work in IT in a bank and you need to code up some formulas. Bank will have domain specialists who know about finances and they will provide you formulas which you just need to copy from paper/excel to code.
Maximum I need as frontend dev is arithmetics aka plus, minus, multiply & divide pixels while writing CSS.

✅ Many people mention you need not math per se but “logical thinking”. What is it even? 😅 One of the definitions is “Logical thinking is the act of analyzing a situation and coming up with a sensible solution.” We, as functioning adults, are analyzing dozens of situations every day and (hopefully) coming with solutions. So don’t let people tell you that you lack logical thinking! You do it every day, in reality, so you will be able to do it in the virtual world too.

✅ Math is needed in some specific fields of development:

  • Computer Graphics (physics too!)
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning (linear algebra, calculus)
  • Quantum computing (boolean algebra, linear algebra, probability theory)
  • Data science (statistics and probability)

If you wanna avoid math, there are plenty of other fields/projects where you can work as a developer.

Trust me, there are harder things in IT, for example, communication between people & teams. Having the ability to learn, good communication skills, and curiosity can lead you the long way in any job!

So fear no more, you can shine in IT without math too.

Do you like math? Do you know it well? What do you work with?

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