DEV Community

Alexandre Calaça
Alexandre Calaça

Posted on

Error: rbenv install 3.3.4 - ruby-build: definition not found: 3.3.4


When trying installing Ruby 3.3.4 through rbenv on PopOs or any Ubuntu-based linux distribution

rbenv install 3.3.4
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We get the following message:

ruby-build: definition not found: 3.3.4
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Based on the error message, the issue occurs because Ruby 3.3.4 is not yet available in the version list managed by ruby-build.


Update ruby-build

git -C $(rbenv root)/plugins/ruby-build pull
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Image Update ruby-build

Check for the specific Ruby Version

rbenv install --list-all | grep 3.3.4
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Image Check for the specific Ruby Version

Install the specific version

rbenv install 3.3.4
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Image Install the specific version

Confirm new version

ruby -v
rbenv version
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Image Confirm new version


rbenv rehash
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Image Done

Let's network

Final thoughts

Thank you for reading this article.

If you have any questions, thoughts, suggestions, or corrections, please share them with us.

We appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.

Feel free to suggest topics for future blog articles. Until next time!

Top comments (3)

slimgee profile image
Given Ncube

Do you have an idea on how to add this to mina deployment flow?

alexandrecalaca profile image
Alexandre Calaça

I do not :(
Are you facing the same issue?

slimgee profile image
Given Ncube

I did but it's an easy fix. I have mina in my deployment pipeline I just wanted to automate that as well