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manual testing

manual testing is testing the functivity of application repeatly or again and again maually in order to find defeat according to the customer side.In order to give a quantity type of application we use manual testing

Advantages of manual testing

      *high flexibility and can be easily adapted to suit changing requirements and conditions
      *cost effective does not require any specialized tools or software,which makes it a cost effective option for smaller peojects
   *human testers can use their intuition and expertise to identify potential issues that might be missed by automated testing tools
    *manual testing allows to testers to gain a better understanding of the end users perpective and identify issues that might impact user experience
     *manual testing requires testers to document their findings,which can help improve the overall documentation and quanlity of the software
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Disadvantages of manual testing
*manual testing can be time consuming,especially for larger projects or when testers are involved
*manual testing is subject to human error,and testers might miss some bugs or issues
*manual testing is not scalable,and it can be challenging to test large application or system with manual testing
*manual testing results can be difficult to repeat, making it harder to ensure consistent quanlity over time
*they might not cover all possible test scenarios or edge cases,which can leave some bugs undiscovered

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