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Discussion on: A laundry list of things I never heard of from bootcamp

airbr profile image
Morgan Murrah • Edited

Interesting. Don't want to share a big rant but I related to a bunch of your comments about the bootcamp experience- there was so much more to learn, and it became hard to gauge what was important or not.

I've worked as a web developer for two years now and I have never had to understand or apply Big O notation or a bunch of things on that list. Ive looked at articles about Big O a bunch of times but I never have had to use it in any meaningful way. I've learned a bunch of other stuff not on this list.

Someone else said what is fundamental will really be whatever particular tools are being used on the job- I agree with this. As soon as you get to read the tech stack on the job posting talk/ research about how you will apply those tools.

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Jen Chan • Edited
I've worked as a web developer for two years now and I have never had to understand or apply Big O notation or a bunch of things on that list. Ive looked at articles about Big O a bunch of times but I never have had to use it in any meaningful way. I've learned a bunch of other stuff not on this list.


jenc profile image
Jen Chan

@codemouse92 @joshhadik @airbr I guess as lament-y and laundry-like this post sounds, I realize I am at the juncture of "I-know-enough-to-get-a-job" but "I-don't-know-enough-to-keep-a-career", and the only thing that is get me better is study, practice, patience and taking it as it comes.

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Josh Hadik

As long as you keep learning even after you get a job you should have everything you need to keep a career. Don’t make the same mistake I made after bootcamp (and am still recovering from lol) of trying to learn everything first. It’s good to have some idea of the skills you’re lacking and try to go over them in your off time, but real-world experience is way more important.

I wasted a lot of time trying to learn everything before applying for a job and realized that it's literally a never-ending process. For every one thing I learn I'm introduced to three or more new things I've never even heard of before.