This series is intended to be a personal study guide. Information may not be comprehensive or accurate. I am sharing it in case others find it useful. Please feel free to comment if any information is inaccurate.
AWS Cloud Practitioner certification obtained 4/18/22 (badge link)
Each Domain contains a number of sections, and each section contains a number of units. Links to posts containing information about each section are below. Each section is also part of its own series for easier navigation. There is a link back to this guide at the top and bottom of each post in each series.
Link to AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Materials - view AWS learning materials, find practice questions, and register for an exam
AWS Well-Architected Framework whitepaper
- It is recommended to read this whitepaper and become familiar with the concepts in addition to the material below when preparing for certification
- Separate study guide can be found here
- This is not sponsored content, I just find ACG affordable and useful for preparing
- Industry-recognized subscription based learning platform with instructional videos
- Topics are organized by cloud provider and learning path (i.e. AWS Data, AWS Architect, AWS Developer, etc)
- Personal Plus account ($25 to $40 USD per month) offers unlimited sandbox environments for hands-on practice in the AWS Management Console
- Also includes guided and un-guided labs as well as other resources
"The exam validates the candidates ability to complete the following tasks:
- Explain the value of the AWS Cloud
- Understand and explain the AWS shared responsibility model
- Understand security best practices
- Understand AWS Cloud costs, economics, and billing practices
- Describe and position the core AWS services, including compute, network, databases, and storage
- Identify AWS services for common use cases"
Content Outline:
Domain 1: Cloud Concepts 26%
Domain 2: Security and Compliance 25%
Domain 3: Technology 33%
Domain 4: Billing and Pricing 16%
Domain 1: Cloud Concepts
1.1 Define the AWS cloud and its value proposition
1.2 Identify aspects of AWS cloud economics
1.3 Explain the different cloud architecture design principles
Domain 2: Security and Compliance
2.1 Define the AWS shared responsibility model
2.2 Define AWS Cloud security and compliance concepts
2.3 Identify AWS access management capabilities
2.4 Identify resources for security support
Domain 3: Technology
3.1 Define methods of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud
3.2 Define the AWS global infrastructure
3.3 Identify the core AWS services
3.4 Identify resources for technology support
Domain 4: Billing and Pricing
4.1 Compare and contrast the various pricing models for AWS (for example, On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instance pricing)
4.2 Recognize the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing
4.3 Identify resources available for billing support
Top comments (5)
If you have been using AWS for a year plus, then take the example exams at
If you pass you should take the exam. It's easy if you know AWS.
mke2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
/dev/nvme0n1p1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!
Can anyone help me to come come out of this ,
How to fix this?
Thanks for share this guide of AWS study.
Thanks for share this guide of AWS study it was really helpful.
Thanks and it's very help full resource and guiding