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None of my friends like the same stuff as me. Have you ever felt this way before?

I often run into this problem that I need to watch anime or a horror movie or code (specifically React and C#), but I rarely find anyone with those very specific interests. 🤷‍♂️

Not to mention, with everyones calendar being so busy, with friends you always end up compromising and spending more time than needed discussing things instead of doing them.

Makes me wonder if theres anyone else in the world that wants to , for example, code on a .netcore identity component, tonight at 6pm EST.

Does any one else run into these problems? 🤔And do you wish there was something out there to help you connect with others on your terms. Whatever code is created is owned by all collaborators.

I launched to solve this issue. Its a Zoom + Meetups clone social network. Like ChatRoulette but where you know in advance what the activity is , and everyones wearing pants. 😭

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I know its sort of a chicken and egg thing with social networks and everyone says they're almost impossible to make work. Which is kinda why Im bootstrapping this.

My request is , if you've had a rough week, please focus all that energy into ripping this idea to shreds. 🙃

Tell me mostly why you think this idea is stupid, why it doesn't have enough merit on its own or why students/young pros wouldn't care -- any issues you have at all. And any advice on the landing page would be great too if you are so kind :) Thank you muchly!

p.s if you wanna code tonight , gimme a shout, also posted it on WannaGo 🎉 - !
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