DEV Community

Agik Setiawan
Agik Setiawan

Posted on

Use Pure Datatable in Laravel Livewire with AlpineJS

Datatable is most popular Jquery plugin for make table easy with simple code.

<div x-data="app()" x-init="init()">
    <table class="table table-bordered" id="tableExample">

    function app() {
        return {
            dataTable(newData = "") {
                const data = newData !== '' ? newData : {!! json_encode($users) !!};
                    data: data,
                    columns: [
                            data: 'name'
                            data: 'email'
                    destroy: true,
                    language: {
                        searchPlaceholder: 'Search...',
                        scrollX: "100%",
                        sSearch: '',
            init() {
                const _this = this;
                Livewire.on("dataChanged", function(data) {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

you can changed new data from livewire function event with dataChanged function for retreive new data.

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