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Large Language Models: The Brains Behind Modern AI (like ChatGPT,Siri,Alexa,Cortana)

I just learned something really fascinating about AI, and I think you'll find it cool too. It's all about Large Language Models, or LLMs. These are like super-smart robots that can have conversations with you, answer questions, and even help out with various tasks. Let me break it down for you.

What is a Large Language Model?

Okay, so imagine the predictive text feature on your phone—the thing that suggests the next word when you're typing a message. For example, if you type "Can you hack my boyfriend's," your phone might suggest "facebook" as the next word. It's pretty handy, right?, right?, right?, Now, imagine this feature on steroids. That's what a Large Language Model is like.

LLMs are trained on tons of text data (think of it like reading a huge library of books). They learn how language works by recognizing patterns and structures. This means they can predict and generate sentences that sound natural and make sense. When you talk to a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa, you're actually using a prompt (a way to give the AI instructions) to communicate with an LLM, and it responds based on what it has learned.

Real-World Uses of LLMs

LLMs are used in so many cool ways:

  1. Customer Service: Ever chatted with a company's virtual assistant for help? That's an LLM. During the 2020 pandemic, many companies used these chatbots to handle the surge in customer questions online.

  2. Translation: Services like Google Translate use LLMs to instantly translate languages, making it easier for people from different parts of the world to understand each other.

  3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): LLMs help websites rank higher in search results by generating content that search engines love.

  4. Sentiment Analysis: They can read and analyze comments or reviews to see if people are happy or upset, helping companies understand what people think about their products.

The Dark Side: LLM Attacks and Prompt Injection

But here’s the kicker—LLMs can be tricked or attacked. One common trick is called prompt injection. This is when someone sneaky, like me, a researcher (adjusts glasses slightly) writes specific prompts to make the LLM do something it shouldn’t. Let me give you an example to show you what I mean:

In a lab environment:

1, You ask the LLM what APIs it can access.
2, The LLM lists APIs including Password Reset, Newsletter Subscription, and Product Information (THIS SHOULDN'T BE ACCESSIBLE TO THE LLM!!!)
3, Considering the Newsletter Subscription API, you test it by subscribing with an email address tied to an exploit server.
4, You then use a command injection technique, $(whoami), which reveals the system's user.
5, Further exploiting this, you use $(rm /home/carlos/morale.txt) to delete a specific file, demonstrating unauthorized capabilities beyond intended usage.

Real-World Examples of LLM Vulnerabilities found

  1. OpenAI GPT-3 (2021): Researchers found that by writing certain prompts, they could get GPT-3 to say things it wasn’t supposed to, like generating harmful or misleading information.

  2. Microsoft Tay (2016): This was a chatbot that learned from people on Twitter. Unfortunately, people started teaching it bad things, and it quickly began to say offensive stuff. Microsoft had to shut it down within 24 hours.

  3. Google Smart Compose (2018): This feature in Gmail suggests text as you type. Researchers found that by tweaking the email context, they could influence what Smart Compose suggested, leading to potential information leaks.

  4. AI Dungeon (2020): This is a game that uses AI to create stories. Users found they could make it reveal personal information that was hidden in its training data. Not good!

  5. Training Data Poisoning (2022): Researchers showed that by sneaking bad data into the training set, they could make the AI say specific harmful things. It's like teaching a parrot to say something rude on purpose.

Detecting and Fixing LLM Vulnerabilities

To keep these AI systems safe, we need to spot and fix their weak points. Here’s a simple way to think about it:

  1. Identify Inputs: Figure out what info the AI is getting directly (like user questions) and indirectly (like the data it was trained on).

  2. Check Data and APIs: See what data and tools the AI can use, because these could be abused.

  3. Test for Weak Spots: Try to find and fix any security holes.

How LLMs Work with APIs

LLMs often use APIs (tools that let different software talk to each other) to do more complex tasks. Here’s how it typically works:

  1. User Interaction: You send a message to the LLM.
  2. Function Call Detection: The LLM realizes it needs to use an external tool and prepares the request.
  3. API Interaction: The system makes the call using the LLM’s request.
  4. Processing Response: The system processes the response from the API.
  5. Follow-Up: The system tells the LLM what the API said.
  6. Result Summary: The LLM tells you the final result.

While this makes the LLM very powerful, it also means it can access external tools without you knowing, which can be risky.

Keeping LLMs Safe

To protect LLMs from being exploited, here are some tips:

  1. Treat APIs as Public: Assume anyone can use them. Use strong security measures, like passwords and permissions. Google Smart Compose had issues because it didn’t properly handle email contexts.

  2. Avoid Sensitive Data: Don’t let LLMs access sensitive info. Microsoft Tay went rogue because it learned from unfiltered user input.

  3. Regular Testing: Keep testing the AI to make sure it isn’t revealing any private info. The 2022 training data poisoning showed that bad data could make AI say harmful things.

  4. Proper Integration: Make sure LLMs ignore misleading prompts hidden in emails or web pages.

Real-World Analogy (well it's a myth but it doesn't fit to say Mythical Analogy lol): The Trojan Horse

Think of LLM vulnerabilities like the story of the Trojan Horse. The Greeks gave the Trojans a giant wooden horse as a gift, but inside it were hidden soldiers. The Trojans brought it into their city, not knowing it was a trap. Similarly, LLMs can be tricked by seemingly harmless prompts or data that hide malicious intentions, leading to security breaches.


LLMs are amazing tools, but they come with risks. By learning from past incidents and understanding how these models work, we can better protect them. It’s like having a super-smart assistant that we need to keep safe from bad actors. As these technologies evolve, we need to keep improving our strategies to ensure they continue to help us in safe and effective ways. Isn’t that cool?

APIs are critical in ensuring Web Apps run smoothly.
Check out my article on API Testing:

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