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Discussion on: Let's not use jQuery

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

That was a yahoo framework if memory serves? Yahoo was / is a search engine if memory serves?

Edit: just looked at moo tools, I bet writing this in es6 would look so appealing, let's rewrite the docs.

// Backticks making this look 🔥
$$(`,, a`);
// Let's not ask questions 📊 statistics say, destructure everything.
const { getElement } = document;
const myRequest = Reflect.construct(Request, [
    url `whyOhWhy.php`,
    method: `get`,
    onRequest () {
       // There is no redemption for MooTools, but it really does encapsulation the point of this post, these frameworks deal with problems we just don't have anymore.