My journey as a programmer has taught me one valuable lesson: To effectively learn how to write and understand programming concepts, never underestimate the value of building real-life applications. I remember staying up late trying to grasp the concepts of programming. But to make the concepts stick, I embarked on a journey to create and share my journey with you all.
The aim of this tutorial series, The laughing blog
, is to create a fully functional blog in Django.
We will implement functionalities such as :
- Registration and Authentication
- Newsletter
- Sending Emails
- Comment system
- Social media share
The code can be found on github.
If you follow through, you too can create your own blog or even earn from it.
- Basic Git Knowledge
- A github or bitbucket account.If you dont have,create one for free on github or bitbucket
- Django basics.If you are new to django check my previous tutorial on Django Environment in Linux .
- Text Editor of choice.I will be using Sublime Text.You can download it here.
Setting up the laughing-blog project
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create Django project structure, learn git
and some very useful python libraries such as whitenoise
and python decouple
I will use pip
and virtualenv
to create the project structure however, you can use pipenv
let's get started
Create a folder and name it tutorial where our project will be stored.
mkdir tutorial && cd tutorial
Nice, next we have to create a Virtual Environment for our project
virtualenv env -p python3
specify the python version .We will use
To use our virtual environment we must activate it
source env/bin/activate
After activating the virtual environment. Install Django using the command below:
$ pip3 install django
We are going to create the project named laughing_blog by using the command below:
$ django-admin startproject laughing_blog
If you change Directory to laughing_blog, you should have a structure like this:
Change the outer laughing_blog to src
( it is just a container that holds our project).
To make sure that django is successfully installed run server using the command
python runserver
and if all went well,you should see this page:
Now we are all set to start writing codes.However, there are some configurations and libraries I want to introduce.
Python Decouple
will help us separate sensitive settings from the project .Storing passwords and other sensitive information such as secret key
is not a great idea and that is why we will use python-decouple. Install it using the following command:
$ pip3 install python-decouple
After successfully installing Python-decouple
, create a .env text file on your project's root directory.
Using Python Decouple
This is the file where all the sensitive information are stored.So far,we need to store our secret key and debug status.It should look like this:
SECRET_KEY = your key
DEBUG = True
Import config
object and place it below import os
from decouple import config
This is a snippet from my
import os
from decouple import config
Replace the secret key and debug with the following:
DEBUG = config('DEBUG', cast=bool)
It is important to push your changes to a remote repository. Initialize git using:
$ git init// Initializes git
Next, we want git to ignore some files with secret information such as the settings, database, etc.Now,create a gitignore file and add the .env, *.pyc ,db.sqlite3 and any other text file in it.To create gitignore use the command:
$ touch .gitignore
Next, let's add all our changes, commit and push
git add * //adds all changes
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin<your username>/laughing_blog.git
git push -u origin master
Html is used to display data on the browser and not python.
Django is a web framework offers a way to display HTML dynamically by using the powerful in-built template tags. Remember HTML is static while python is dynamic.
Django templating enable us to separate the presentation of a document from its data.
We could embed HTML on python code, but it is not a good idea because:
- In large projects, it is common to have front-end developers handling HTML and back-end developers handling python. If HTML is hard-coded in python code, it would be difficult for both developers to edit the same file at the same time without interference.
- In a single application, you may need to write many lines of HTML codes and troubleshooting the code can be messy if HTML is hard-coded in the python code.
Setting up Django Templates
We want to create the templates directory in the projects' root directory. We can achieve this by modifying the settings.TEMPLATE-DIRS by adding this:
"DIRS": [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
defines a list of directories where Django should look for template source files.
let's create the templates directory and then create a file called base.html to include the project's main html structure
$ mkdir templates
$ cd templates
snippet for base.html
{% load staticfiles %}
<!Doctype html>
<title> Laughing blog</title>
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
How to Serve Static Files in Django
Web applications will need additional files like CSS, scripts, and Images for the application and user-uploaded content
such as profiles pictures. These files can be categorized as:
- Static files: Resource used by the application such as scripts, images
- Media files: These are the content uploaded by the user, say user profile picture. We will talk about this later.
Configuring Static Files
Managing static files in django can be complicated especially if you are not familiar with Django.In
make sure django.contrib.staticfiles
.In, Most cases,it is already defined.
you will find this line of code
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
This is where Django serves static files for a particular app in your project. Django allows you to have several static folders in a project. For this project, we will create just one static folder in the root project directory so let's configure staticfiles-dirs
Let's say you have a project and most apps share static assets like styling or images, or in addition to the static files tied to a particular app, you require additional static assets then defineSTATICFILES_DIRS
tuple tells Django where to look for static files that are not tied to a particular app.
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
In this case, we just told Django to also look for static files in a folder called static
in our project's root folder, not just in our apps.
Then create the static directory in the project's root folder
$ mkdir static
Serving Static Files in Development
When django.contrib.staticfiles
is installed,running runserver
command automatically serve the static files otherwise serve them manually by:
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns = [
+ static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)
This is the storage folder for every static files after running the collectstatic
command.It collects all the static files in one place.
Let us tell django to collect all our static files in a folder called staticfiles
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
This is very important in production andwhitenoise
handles this very well.
Managing static files in production is even more complicated,at-least it was for me! To manage our static files with less hustle,we will install a 3rd party library whitenoise
To install whitenoise, run:
pip3 install whitenoise
To use whitenoise in Django.We edit
by adding it to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
below the django SecurityMiddleware
To enable compression to add the following :
We created Virtual Environment, Installed Django, installed Python-decouple and created our template and static files directory. We also create gitignore file and added the .env text file we created. Meet you in the next tutorial!
Top comments (3)
Very nice work, this is what I looked for, is it in the sequel to the article?
Hi, yeah this is supposed to be a sequel. I have taken way too long, Coming up next week
Thank you, I am waiting impatiently <3