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A zoom installer function for linux

Often when you install zoom in linux you would have encountered broken install issue. Here is a function to save you from installing and keeping it updated:

update_zoom() {
    curl -LO
    package_names=$(dpkg --info zoom_amd64.deb | grep -oP 'Depends: \K.*' | sed 's/ ([^)]*)//g' | tr -d ',')
    sudo apt install -y $package_names
    sudo dpkg -i zoom_amd64.deb
    rm zoom_amd64.deb
    echo "Zoom has been installed..."
alias update_zoom="update_zoom"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Save the script into a file named and save it in $HOME/scripts directory.
Then source this file in your .bashrc file as source $HOME/scripts/

Open a new terminal and you are all set to just execute update_zoom command to install or update zoom.

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