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Aashutosh Taikar
Aashutosh Taikar

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My Thoughts on Windows OS and its reliability

I have used windows XP, 7, 10, ubuntu 14-20, OSX montrey. I have always liked the windows OS for its simple UI as compared to linux distro or macOS. The app indicators and the taskbar are the main components which distinguishes it from the linux distro dock or the macOS dock. Microsoft really needs to realize that they need to focus on improving the performance rather that developing the UI.

I upgraded to Windows 11 and the performance was worst. They have made Windows 11 even more heavily bloated. My Taskbar crashed couple of times and it lagged like hell. Right click menu kept loading lol just Microsoft things. The new Notepad and snipping tool sucks. It just looked like pretty but very unresponsive.

I am still not sure why can't Microsoft develop an OS which performs equally well and responsive like Linux and follow the same principle which Unix based OS follows. I really like technology and appreciate that we have a non Unix OS in the competition, however, I do expect that it must compete first on the performance and then on the UI. Windows UI is already good and intuitive and we all know that. Their target should be to refactor their kernel following the Linux kernel. I am not suggesting they move to Linux kernel or a monolithic kernel, what I am implying is that they must:

  • Target their existing micro-kernel improvements and implement stuff like hot loading of kernel modules like Linux does, so that people don't have to restart in the middle of meeting. I mean, there should not be a tradeoff between compromising the security and restarting the PC right?
  • Focus the least on UI for now as they have a lot of performance backlog and garbage
  • If focusing on UI, rather than changing the visual themes they should focus on responsiveness. For eg. scrolling is different in each app. On Some apps its smooth but some apps like Microsoft's own excel; the sheet on windows 10 lags as compared to the excel running on mac when it has many columns and large dataset
  • Implement a new OS, preserving the layout of the windows 10 UI and under the hood a modified better and efficient version of Windows NT kernel.

At this point to conclude I feel that Windows 11 is acting like a really hot actress by heavy makeup and cosmetic surgery irrespective of the health consequences. I would suggest that actress to first fix her health. Windows 10 must first fix its kernel. As a developer, having to restart your computer if working on critical task with lots of open windows is a nightmare. Thus, it is very critical to have updates that does not require restarts, at least the minor updates.

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