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What Is Python Like?

Hello there people! Hope y'all can relate to this and more importantly, hope y'all enjoy!

When a new Python developer sees code with semicolons run flawlessly:

Shocked cat gif

When you get a huge task, but you can just import it:

Girl chilling

When you accidentally mix tabs and spaces:

Saitama watching destruction

When your 3AM session gives you bugs.

Head banging

Waiting for PyCharm to start:

Kid waiting

Python developers when they code in C:

Excited dancing

Someone after creating first Django project:

Pablo feeling proud

Removing the max recursion limits in Python:


When you realise that Python is older than Java

Trippy loop

When someone says you cannot run arbitrary pseudo code, but you use Python:


PyPy is written in Python:


Asking old projects to migrate to Python 3:

Decline. Cat nodding violently

I wrote this code:

  print("Need a break?")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My friends' reaction:

Wierd stare with sheer disgust

Python programmers fighting the Rust compiler:

Throws monitor away in frustration

This was my collection of memes. I think that you found it funny. Feel free to share your favourite memes in the comments. If it seems like something doesn't make sense, maybe I can explain in the comments.

Oh, and enjoy your life. Hope y'all stay well.

Top comments (3)

__masashi__ profile image

Do y'all hv any funny python moments where you just felt dumbfounded? Here's one from me:

  • I was stuck in a bug for two days. I changed other places trying to see why a function was not accessible. When I posted the code on discord, I found out that the function had moved into another function (indentation issues). What about y'all?
vivekcodes profile image
vivek patel

When you finally realise that Python is plain english. ( brain, you don't have to cut me off meme template)

__masashi__ profile image

Lol. Fr. I felt exactly like that.