Prisma is proud of its type-safety and auto-completion feature
It consist of three parts which makes it different from any traditional orm tool
- Prisma Client
- Prisma migration
- Prisma Studio
diagram shown below shows the abstract view of the working of different parts of prisma
Now let's dive deep into the prisma architecture and in order to understand how does prisma client and prisma migration works let's create a project .
I am gonna make use of prisma with express for building REST api and we are going to use postgresql as our database for this project .
Initialise your nodejs project with the following command and install the following dependencies
npm init -y
npm install prisma typescript ts-node @types/node --save-dev
Now initialize prisma with the following command
npx prisma init
This command downloads a .env file and a folder named prisma for you which contains a schema.prisma file after doing this your project directory should look like as shown below
If yes ? then we are good to move forward so firstly let's connect prisma with our local database .
Now open the .env file it contains a connection url which is used for connecting with the database , the general format of this url is shown below
Change the values in the connection url according to your database configuration in order to make things work properly.
Here is look of my connection URL
Once you head over to the the schema.prisma file it contains some precoded piece of code for you which are generator and datasource objects, generator is used to create the prisma client for you which interacts with the database to make manipulation in the data and datasource is used to connect with the database
Now let's create models in our schema.prisma file which is going to represent the relations in our postgresql database .
Creating model in schema.prisma file is just like creating relation in database .
We are going to create two models namely User and Expense
things we need to know about prisma model is that the value passed inside any model represent table columns and it mainly consist of two more things i.e datatype and attribute , datatype represent the type of data being referred by the particular column and attribute is used for special case i.e wether a particular column consist of unique value or it is a primary key .
Other then that there are only three types of datatype modifiers as shown below
the code below down shows the two models are created and
One thing to notice here is that both model have primary key column which is referenced via @id attribute therefore it shows that it is necessary for every model to have one primary key.
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
model User{
id String @id@default(uuid())
fisrtname String
lastname String
email String
phoneNo String
model Expense{
expenseid String @id @default(uuid())
topic String
price Int
@default attribute is used to pass default value in our case we are generating the value of ids using uuid function.
Now let's create relation between the two models and in order to do that we need to add reference of User model in Expense model
Once you run the following command
npx prisma format
then code should look like as shown below it will autogenerate @relation attribute having reference and fields plus it will also add a reference of Expense model in User model.
model User {
id String @id @default(uuid())
fisrtname String
lastname String
email String
phoneNo String
Expense Expense[]
model Expense {
expenseid String @id @default(uuid())
topic String
price Int
ExpenseByUser User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String
Now models are created but we need to map these models to databases for that we need prisma migration .
Run the following command
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
Prisma migration will sync the schema with the database before running this command there was an't any relation inside the database but after running this command the below image shows the relations of the database
Now create a tsconfig.json file in your project root directory and add the following piece of code
"compilerOptions": {
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "dist",
"strict": true,
"lib": ["esnext"],
"esModuleInterop": true
In order to create rest api we need to install some other dependencies
npm install express
npm install nodemon @types/express --save-dev
npm install @prisma/client
Now create a script.ts file in the root directory of your project from the beginning of this blog we have been discussing that prisma client is used to interact with the database therefore we need to import PrismaClient in our script file.
finally its the time to make the rest api
therefor in order to manipulate data of User relation we need to access it
the above image shows what type of functions does prisma offer to manipulate data in relations .
Let's use create function in order to add data to User relation it takes data object in which all the values are passed
const user=await prisma.user.create({
const user=await prisma.user.findMany()
We can also filter the output using Where just like we do in sql
const user=await prisma.user.findFirst({
while updating the data we need to pass the data that needs to be updated and in Where we need to pass a primary key column value .
const user = await prisma.user.update({
const user= await prisma.user.delete({
Once done with this you can pass the command given below to take tour of prisma studio
npx prisma studio
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