In Python, we use often numpy.random
for generating random numbers and arrays. In Julia, we do this by using Random
See official doc.
Some concept to learn in this module:
- RNG: random number generator
- Seed vs RNG
- Normal and exponential distributions
- Random string and bit-array
- Random permutation
Let's see firstly what is in this module:
To remind, the two most used functions rand()
and randn()
are not contained in the Random module, in fact, they are defined in Base module, namely we shall use Base.rand
and Base.randn
. On the contrary, rand!()
and randn!()
are indeed contained in the Random module, not in Random module.
My learning code today:
using Random
# names(Random): check names in this module
println(" ")
rand([rng=GLOBAL_RNG], [S], [dims...])
Pick a random element or array of random elements from the set of values specified by S; S can be
- an indexable collection (for example 1:9 or ('x', "y", :z)),
- an AbstractDict or AbstractSet object,
- a string (considered as a collection of characters), or
- a type: the set of values to pick from is then equivalent to typemin(S):typemax(S) for integers (this is not applicable to BigInt), to [0, 1) for floating point numbers and to [0, 1)+i[0, 1) for complex floating point numbers;
S defaults to Float64. When only one argument is passed besides the optional rng and is a Tuple, it is interpreted as a collection of values (S) and not as dims.
a = rand(Int, 2)
println("a: $a, Typeof a", typeof(a))
RNG: random number generator. All rand-generation functions such like rand() and randn() can be called with a rng object as argument.
MersenneTwister rng object construction:
- MersenneTwister(seed) where seed is a non-negative integer
- MersenneTwister()
rng = MersenneTwister(20);
b = rand(rng, Float64, 3)
println("b: $b, Typeof b", typeof(b))
c = rand( [2,3,4,7,9]) # => yields one of the five numbers in this array
println("c: $c ")
d = rand(MersenneTwister(0), Dict("x1"=>2, "x2"=>4)) # => yields one of the two items of a dict
println("d: $d ")
e = rand(Float64, (2, 3)) # => yields 2x3 array
println("e: $e, shape of e: ", size(e))
f = zeros(5)
println("initial f: $f")
rand!(rng, f) # pass an existing array and modify it in place
println("rand f: $f")
## Generate a BitArray of random boolean values.
g = bitrand( 10) # or g = bitrand(rng, 10)
println("rand g: $g")
# Fill an array with normally-distributed (mean 0, standard deviation 1) random numbers.
h = randn(Float64, (3, 5))
## can alo be : randn(rng, ComplexF32, (3, 5))
println("randn h: $h")
## Generate a random number of type T according to the exponential distribution with scale 1.
i = randexp(rng, 3, 3)
println("randexp i: $i")
j = randstring(MersenneTwister(3), 'a':'z', 6)
println("randstring j: $j")
k = shuffle(rng, Vector(1:10))
println("shuffle k: $k")
### same as in Python, we can use the same seed to generate the same random result
x1 = randn(Float64, (3, 3))
x2 = randn(Float64, (3, 3))
x3 = randn(Float64, (3, 3))
println(typeof(Random.seed!(1))) # seed shall be passed to the global/default rng object
println("x1 == x2? : ", x1==x2)
println("x1 == x3? : ", x1==x3)
Voilà the execution output:
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