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Zouhair Ghaidoud
Zouhair Ghaidoud

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Laravel Echo: An Introduction and How to Install It

Real-time web applications have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they allow developers to create dynamic and interactive user experiences. One way to achieve real-time functionality in a Laravel application is by using Laravel Echo. In this article, we will discuss what Laravel Echo is, its benefits, and how to install it.

What is Laravel Echo?
Laravel Echo is a JavaScript library that provides a simple and elegant way to subscribe to channels and listen for events broadcast by Laravel. It utilizes the WebSocket protocol to establish a persistent connection between the client and the server, allowing real-time communication.

Benefits of Laravel Echo
There are many benefits of using Laravel Echo, some of which include:

Real-time updates: Laravel Echo allows developers to implement real-time updates in their applications, which means that users will see changes as they happen, without the need for manual refresh.

Scalability: Laravel Echo supports multiple broadcasting drivers, such as Pusher, Redis, and, making it easy to scale an application to handle a large number of users.

Simplified implementation: Laravel Echo provides a simple and elegant way to implement real-time functionality, which can save developers time and effort.

How to Install Laravel Echo
To install Laravel Echo, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Laravel
Before installing Laravel Echo, you must have a Laravel application up and running. If you don't have one, you can create a new Laravel application using the following command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel myapp
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Step 2: Install Laravel Echo
Once you have a Laravel application, you can install Laravel Echo using NPM (Node Package Manager) or Yarn. In this example, we will be using NPM. Open a terminal window and navigate to your Laravel application directory, then run the following command:

npm install --save laravel-echo pusher-js
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This command will install Laravel Echo and Pusher JS. Pusher JS is a client-side library that Laravel Echo uses to communicate with the server.

Step 3: Configure Laravel Echo
After installing Laravel Echo, you need to configure it to work with your Laravel application. Open the bootstrap.js file located in the resources/js directory of your Laravel application and add the following code:

import Echo from 'laravel-echo';
window.Pusher = require('pusher-js');

window.Echo = new Echo({
    broadcaster: 'pusher',
    key: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
    cluster: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
    encrypted: true
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This code initializes Laravel Echo with Pusher as the broadcasting driver. Note that you will need to set the MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY and MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER environment variables in your .env file.

Step 4: Use Laravel Echo
After configuring Laravel Echo, you can use it to listen for events broadcast by Laravel. Here is an example of how to use Laravel Echo in a Vue.js component:

import Echo from 'laravel-echo';

export default {
    mounted() {'orders')
            .listen('OrderCreated', (event) => {
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In this example, we are listening for OrderCreated events broadcast on the orders channel.

Laravel Echo is a powerful tool for creating real-time web applications. Its benefits include real-time updates, scalability, and simplified implementation. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to install and use Laravel Echo in your Laravel application.

Oldest comments (2)

zouhairghaidoud profile image
Zouhair Ghaidoud

There are several Laravel Echo alternatives that provide similar functionality, some of which include: is a JavaScript library that enables real-time, bidirectional, and event-based communication between the client and server.

Pusher: Pusher is a hosted real-time messaging service that provides a simple and scalable way to add real-time functionality to web and mobile applications.

Ably: Ably is a real-time data delivery platform that provides a suite of APIs and tools for developers to build real-time applications.

Firebase Realtime Database: Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that allows developers to store and sync data in real-time.

While Laravel Echo is a popular choice for real-time functionality in Laravel applications, it is always worth exploring other options to determine which one best meets your specific needs and requirements.

victorrims68524 profile image
Rimsha Victor Gill

Laravel Echo is an effective solution for developing web applications with real-time capabilities. It offers advantages such as instantaneous updates, the ability to handle increased user activity, and simplified integration.

Here is another option for you.
Firebase Realtime Database is a NoSQL database hosted in the cloud that enables seamless storage and synchronization of data among users in real time.