DEV Community

Zola Gonano
Zola Gonano

Posted on • Originally published at on

Few simple things that can increase your privacy significantly

After years of dedication to privacy and anonymity in the online world, I have come across a few simple things that can put you above average in terms of privacy and security.

Think before share

What you share online can stay out there forever, so it’s best to think about what you’re about to share on the internet. Only share your personal information if you have to.

Use a password manager

Doing so it not only will make your life a lot easier by replacing remembering the password and typing it every time with just a few clicks and copy-pasting it, it will increase your security and privacy a lot because you can have complex and one-time passwords for each site without worrying about it being hard to remember or being hard to type, you only have to remember one password and that’s the password to unlock your password manager, the rest is just copy-pasting your passwords. But you might ask yourself why you should use a unique password for each site you sign-up for. The reason is that sites get hacked, data gets breached, and passwords get leaked. There is no way that you can make sure a site stores your password properly and securely. They might even store your password as plain text without properly hashing it and when they get hacked, the email and the password that you have used for every website are now out there and anyone with access to it can log in to your other accounts on other websites and services.

Don’t fall into VPN advertisement traps

VPNs are great for privacy, especially if you are using public WIFI or you’re using an ISP that is less trustworthy than your VPN provider. But a VPN can never provide you anonymity, and at its best case, it would shift your trust from your ISP to your VPN provider, so if anonymity is what you’re after, then you’d be better off using Tor or I2P(especially for torrenting), which both are made for anonymity.

Encrypt your devices

You might do everything for your privacy but leave your laptop unencrypted with your most important information on it, and someone can physically steal them, especially in mobile devices such as your phone or laptop which you tend to carry around all the time.

Take steps toward changing the apps and services you use

If you’re looking to replace your Email provider with a more privacy friendly one, or change your Search Engine, etc you should take a look at they provide good privacy recommendations and guides.

There might be a lot of problems with this post as English is not my native language, If you want to improve this post, the whole blog is on my github at

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