DEV Community

Discussion on: An elegant solution for memory leaks in React

znareak profile image
zNareak • Edited

Contributing to what the other people wrote, I have not found an effective and efficient solution either.
I have no idea how large applications maintain good performance in their asynchronous processes (such as promises or callbacks).
Perhaps it is the type of technology that is used that manages those leaks and prevents them.

With respect to famous libraries like react-async or react-query, I suppose they also make use of the isMounted antipattern.
There is no programmatic way to know when a component is unmounted, those libraries use that antipatron internally, they offer good features like data storage and state mahines. However, I'll give you some official links that go to the react-query repository, and analyze its code.

Using the antipattern:


Maybe the react-query code is more optimized for performance and also tested and proven, but they still use the anti-pattern methodology.

Thanks for the article, I have it in favorites to follow this thread, if you find a post on the react page how to solve this problem or you already find a solution, you can share it with us.
Thank you.

nans profile image
Nans Dumortier

Woah I didn't expect such a great comment, thank you for contributing to this thread !

Let's hope we'll find a good solution one day !

Thank you again for your kind message.