ZIM Socket handles multiuser without any server code! Here are examples https://zimjs.com/socket. And here is an app we just made in a morning at https://codepen.io/danzen/pen/jOrzNyp. You can see the code and fork the app on codepen.
Here is the code for a shared ball! Who doesn't like to share their balls! Okay - strike that statement.
// load in these urls
// https://zimjs.org/cdn/2.3.0/socket.io.js
// https://zimjs.org/cdn/zimserver_urls.js
// https://zimjs.org/cdn/zimsocket_1.1.js
// Make a single Ball that multiple people can drag around
// In the ZIM Frame here is the preparation and the code
const socket = new Socket(zimSocketURL, "sharedball");
// For the first parameter:
// The zimSocketURL comes from zimserver_urls.js
// and points to the ZIM Socket server.
// This way, if we change the server, the app will still work.
// For the second parameter:
// Went to this URL https://zimjs.com/request.html
// from the ZIM Socket page
// and requested a keyword "sharedball" for this app
// do not use a keyword that is already in use
// When the socket is ready we get this event
// It receives a data event of all the current data
// or just ask socket.
// There is also a history of any data stored in history
// like for a chat.
socket.on("ready", ()=>{
const ball = new Circle(100, red).drag(stage);
// We will get the lastest x and y of the ball
// all latest values are automatically loaded by Socket
let x = socket.getLatestValue("x");
let y = socket.getLatestValue("y");
// if someone has moved the ball then start at that position
// otherwise, tell others to come where the ball is located
if (x != null) {
} else {
// we can set a single property like:
// socket.setProperty("x", ball.x);
// but each time we do it is a call to the server
// so it is better to set multiple properties like so:
socket.setProperties({x:ball.x, y:ball.y});
// here is the event for when we receive data from others
// so set the ball to the latest value
// we can also grab this information from the data parameter
socket.on("data", data=>{
let x = socket.getLatestValue("x");
let y = socket.getLatestValue("y");
if (x != null) ball.loc(x,y);
// send data when ball is moved
ball.on("pressmove", ()=>{
socket.setProperties({x:ball.x, y:ball.y});
socket.on("error", ()=>{
new Pane(600,300, "SORRY, COULD NOT CONNECT").show();
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