Why Lumen?
Lumen is a stripped down version of Laravel for building APIs. This makes it a lightweight framework. I'm currently using Lumen in a project and I want to use this opportunity to share some of the things I've learnt.
What we'll build
We will build a Vue app for users to save their contacts. This will cover mainly authentication and CRUD operations. For the styling we'll use Tailwindcss. For this Part I, we will be setting up lumen passport.
Without further ado...
Create Lumen Project
Visit Lumen and follow installation instruction.
Install Lumen Generator
As pointed out earlier, a lot of things in Laravel are missing in Lumen. This package brings in some of Laravel artisan commands to Lumen. Run the following command in your terminal at the root of the project.
composer require flipbox/lumen-generator
In bootstrap/app.php add the following:
Now we have some artisan commands. We can generate app key.
php artisan key:generate
It's always good practice to use version control to keep track of your changes.
You can also use postman to check that your endpoint is working.
Install Lumen Passport
We'll be using a package by Dusterio. You can visit the Github link here to follow the installation or continue with the tutorial.
composer require dusterio/lumen-passport
Enable Laravel Passport and Lumen Passport
File path: bootstrap/app.php
Uncomment these lines to enable facade, eloquent and routeMiddleware
'auth' => App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
Uncomment the service providers as well
Register the Passport providers
Laravel Passport ^7.3.2 and newer
In bootastrap/app.php comment this out
$app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(
Use this instead
$app = new \Dusterio\LumenPassport\Lumen7Application(
Migrate and install Laravel Passport
Create new tables for Passport in your database (eg. MySQL)
Create database and fill the details in .env
php artisan migrate
Configure Authentication
Add the following to config/auth.php (You may have to create the config folder and auth.php file if they are not there)
return [
'defaults' => [
'guards' => 'api'
'guards' => [
'api' => [
'driver' => 'passport',
'provider' => 'users', // default
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => \App\Models\User::class
Load the config since Lumen doesn't load config files automatically:
In bootstrap/app.php add the code below.
(Preferably below $app->configure(‘app’). Follow the pattern)
Install encryption keys and other stuff for Passport
php artisan passport:install
It will output the Personal access client ID and secret, and the Password grand client ID and secret. You may store these in your .env file or somewhere safe. Password grant client id and secret will be used for generating access token for user.
Registering Routes
In app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
Add the routes inside the boot method (preferably before any other code)
use Dusterio\LumenPassport\LumenPassport;
User model
Add HasApiTokens trait to your user model.
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
class User extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract, AuthorizableContract
use HasApiTokens, Authenticatable, Authorizable, HasFactory;
/* rest of the model */
Add ‘password’ to fillable array in user model.
Create a user migration
php artisan make:migration create_users_table
Modify migration table to add the fields: name, email and password.
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
Then migrate.
php artisan migrate
Finally, create a user with email and a hashed password. You will need this to generate a key. You can use tinker for this.
>>> use App\Models\User
>>> use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash
>>> User::create(['name'=>'John Doe', 'email'=>'johndoe@company.com', 'password'=>Hash::make('password')])
Generate token with Postman
Open Postman and make a POST request to http://your_base_url/oauth/token. Enter the fields as in the image above. The username is the email of the user we created. Client secret and client id is the one we generated earlier. Be sure to make use of the correct password grant id and secret.
When you send the request, access token will be generated. We did it! In part two, we will continue with registration and login.
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