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What I learned this Week. Week 8.

Welcome to my weekly retro. I record at the end of each day. Doing so has helped me talk about what I am learning in a clear and concise way.


Today was good. I had a phone interview today that went very well. Sadly the position required to move to Arkansas and that's a no go for me. Even though the interview itself didn't bear fruit, I did learn more about how to advocate for myself and got a chance to talk about compensation for the first time. I found myself cruising through my practice problems for the day and am surprised at the progress I have made. All it takes is practice and dedication. I recently found my Nintendo DS from when I was younger and it still has life left. My dad set up an m3 adapter where I could download any game I wanted but it doesn't work anymore. So I have been digging through 16 year old forum posts trying to find some advice where I don't have to spend any money to play my old games. Its been a blast learning what my dad went through to make sure I had fun.


Today was great. My girlfriend slept soundly through the night for the first time in over a week. Which if you are anything like me, if your SO has a bad night, the day isn't gonna be so great either. I had a blast figuring out my practice problems today. For one of them the solution was a single command while the next had 20 lines of code. I went to the movie theaters for the first time since the pandemic and I had a blast. I went to see "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" and I can't recommend it enough. It's hilarious, timey-wimey, and knows how to make you cry.


Today was okay. Very gloomy outside and I feel a lot of my families responsibilities on my shoulders. Sometimes I just want to be able to be my own person without having to worry about everyone around me first. My practice problems were a bit more difficult today. I was trying a certain approach for the problem and knew it could work but sadly I wasn't smart enough to actualize it. I ended up looking through the discussion in order to fully grasp a different method and applied that instead. Something I was reminded of today is that it is okay to ask for help. Although I really wanted to figure it out myself, I wasn't going to learn anything trying over and over again without any new information.


Today was good. I woke up feeling refreshed after going to bed a bit later. I chose to stay up for the first time in a while in order to play some video games with my friends. It's important to integrate times like that into a busier work week to keep a good work/life balance. I took a while on my practice problems today but it was a good time. I didn't get frustrated, I was engaged and entertained for the extent of trying to figure it out. I have been having issues keeping up with my reading recently. Ever since I finished "Atomic Habits" and switched, I have been slacking off on it. Only reading a paragraph or 2 a day if that. I am still proud that I have kept up on it in a way, I just wish I had more energy to give.


Today was good. Weather was partly cloudy and windy but still enjoyable. I had a nice walk and relaxed a decent amount. I treat Fridays as my catch up and recuperate day. However I have been doing great with coding and networking, so today specifically is a rest day. I did do my practice problems, where I got a good review on object oriented programming with Python. Seems simple enough, but I forget the easiest things sometimes. I forgot how to have global variables using the self. But as soon as I saw the stack overflow post, I remembered exactly how to solve the problem. Don't hold yourself to an unrealistic standard. You will forget simple things sometimes and you will need help. That is OKAY.

Another good week over. Easter is this weekend and I am looking forward to some good food. Thank you for joining me and I hope to see you next week.

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