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Zaw Htut Win
Zaw Htut Win

Posted on

Installing Hadoop single node cluster in AWS EC2

Ubuntu 18, m3.large, memory 8GB

Install openjdk(Not JRE)

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Get the Hadoop 2.9.0

Extract Hadoop in home folder

tar -xvf hadoop-2.9.0.tar.gz

Create folder for Hadoop

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/hadoop

Move extracted Hadoop folders to /usr/lib/hadoop

mv hadoop-2.9.0 /usr/lib/hadoop/

Find the JDK 8 path and note down as following


Open ~/.bashrc and put the above line at the end of thee file.


Load the env environment

source ~/.bashrc

Generate SSH

ssh-keygen -t rsa

cd ~

sudo .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys

ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ ubuntu@localhost

Create hadoopdata folder in home directory
cd ~

mkdir hadoopdata

Go to xml files

cd /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-2.9.0/etc/hadoop


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Format the name node
hdfs namenode -format

Go to sbin directory of hadoop :
cd $HADOOP_HOME/sbin

Start the name node
./ start namenode

Start HDFS components

Stop all

Start all

Then access the web ui for Hadoop in following webpages.

NameNode – aws_ip_address: 50070

DataNode – aws_ip_address: 50075

SecondaryNameNode – aws_ip_address: 50090

ResourceManager – aws_ip_address: 8088

In the next tutorial, we will install sqoop.

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