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Discussion on: Vanilla JavaScript and HTML - No frameworks. No libraries. No problem.

zanehannanau profile image

Little annoying so with

import { $cc, $cec, filter_map, noemp } from 'z3util-dom';

function createListWithTemplate(heroes: Hero[]) {
  return $cec(
      hero => hero && $cec("li", [
        $cc("name", []),
        $cc("description", [hero.description]),

though what's doing the work may end up a bit excessive:

/** Map an iterable list, filtering as necessary */
export function* filter_map<T, U>(list: T[] | IterableIterator<T>, f: ((t: T) => U | null | undefined)): IterableIterator<U> {
    let v, k
    for (k of list) if ((v = f(k)) != null) yield v;
export type Omit<T, K> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
type Appendable = HTMLElement | DocumentFragment | string;
type Queryable = Document | DocumentFragment | Element;
export type MaybeOr<T> = T | false | 0 | null | '' | undefined;
export type IterableOrNot<T> = MaybeOr<Iterable<MaybeOr<T>>>;
interface createelement<E> {
    <T extends keyof E>(el: T, o: Partial<Omit<E[T], "children" | "childNodes" | "classList" | "style">>): E[T];
/** Create element (with attributes) */
export const $ce: createelement<HTMLElementTagNameMap> = (el, o) => Object["assign"](document["createElement"](el), o);
/** Create element (with children, attributes) */
export const $cec = <T extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(
    name: T,
    children?: IterableOrNot<Appendable>,
    attrs?: Omit<Partial<HTMLElementTagNameMap[T]>, "children" | "childNodes" | "innerHTML" | "innerText" | "outerHTML">,
) => {
    let container = $ce(name, (attrs || {}) as unknown as any), el: MaybeOr<Appendable>;
    if (children) for (el of children) el && container["append"](el);
    return container
/** Create container (with classlist) */
export const $cc = (n: string, c?: IterableOrNot<Appendable>) => $cec("div", c, {"className": n});

But then again it's there to be specifically generic.

themightyt_v3 profile image

seems excessive.

zanehannanau profile image

There's actually very little that's generated.

It's mostly typing information but even then...

Most of it is just expansion. If you expand all of it, it ends up being really short and roughly the same space as the template option.