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Creative Problem Solving Techniques

The world is never short of programmers or coders it's only short of creative problem solvers. having great problem solving techniques keeps you at edge and way ahead of others.

They are traditionally four(4) steps to problem solving.

1. Define the problem.
2. Generate new ideas.
3. Evaluate and select solutions.
4. Implement.

those are the foundational problems solving techniques you'll have to stick to when you're faced with your next problem. Without further a do, let's dive further.

  1. Define the problem: First, you must define the problem, what is it cause? what are the signs there's a problem at all?

  2. Generate new ideas: Next, you identify various options for solutions. What are some good ideas to solve this?

  3. Evaluate and select solutions: Then, evaluate your options and choose from among them. What is the best option to solve the problem? What's the easier? How should you prioritize?

  4. Implement: Finally implement the chosen solution. Does it solve the problem? Is there another option you need to try?

Creative Problem Solving Process

♦Separate ideation from evaluation:
When brainstorming creative ideas for your next project, have a separate for writing it all down. focus on generating lots of ideas. Don't prioritize them or evaluate them until everything is captured.

♦Judging will shut it down:
Nothing stops the flow of creative ideas faster than judging them on the spot. Wait until the brainstorming is over before you evaluate.

♦Restate problems as questions:
Restating problems as questions will give you more clarity about the problem. it's easier to a group into thinking of creative ideas when challenges are stated as open-ended questions.

♦Use "Yes and" to expand ideas:
It's way too easy to shutdown and negate ideas by using the word "but" (i.e. "But i think this is better..."). Avoid this at all cost, instead expand on what was previously introduced by saying "Yes, and?..." to keep ideas flowing and evolving.

ps: Before you solve a problem, seek to understand it fully.
I hope someone find this useful.
follow for more tips.

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