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Discussion on: Debugging Ruby in VS Code

yuritoledo profile image
Yuri Toledo

Nice article. You have a idea to get autocomplete on ctrl + space?

dnamsons profile image
Dāvis Namsons • Edited

This is currently the best solution - Solargraph.
A Language server is under development for the Ruby extension as well, so eventually it might be better for auto completion. When it comes out, I'll probably write a post about it.

yuritoledo profile image
Yuri Toledo

I used the solargraph and it was the only solution I found.

Do you have any problems developing with Ruby (on Rails)? Because of the implicit nature, it is difficult for me (padawan) to know where something happens or where it goes.

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dnamsons profile image
Dāvis Namsons • Edited

Well, I wouldn't worry about it. Rails' convention over configuration philosophy is a bit weird when you're starting out, as it does a lot for you and so it can be somewhat difficult in the beginning. However, if you keep at it, you'll get better soon. Most principles and best practices can be learned in the official Ruby on Rails guide(Rails functionality) and the Railscasts(for gems and software development side of things) pages, they are the gold standard as far as free learning resources for Rails go.